Bloods ok
Posted , 6 users are following.
My bloods came back as normal now doctor has made an appointment to get a heart monitor fitted as Iam still feeling totally exhausted Iam so tired all the time
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Posted , 6 users are following.
My bloods came back as normal now doctor has made an appointment to get a heart monitor fitted as Iam still feeling totally exhausted Iam so tired all the time
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sarah09381 lindameik
susan21149 lindameik
You should have you thyroid checked out and your iron levels to see if they are low they can make a person tired too
middlemuddle lindameik
Do you know what you GP tested?
Do you have a copy of your results?
If the answer is no then ask for a copy (assuming you are in the uk) you are entitled to this and then tell us what was tested and what the figures were. Thinking in particularly ferritin and B12 levels, folic acid, TSH.
sheryl37154 middlemuddle
Drs rarely think of ferritin - you usually have to ask for it. A full blood count does not include it.
debbie03785 lindameik
susan21149 debbie03785
I am tired to i myself understand how she feels i have low thyroid then i have a lot of anxieties and i get tired to and not sleeping well does not help today i am in pain with the ball of my foot on the left foot and the heal spur on my right foot and i did not sleep to good last night because i was in pain and tonight i feel like i have the flu just tired and not in to it