Bloodwork Results
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I just received bloodwork i did a week or so ago and i am very alarmed. The last one i did the end of March my estrogen and progesterone both were low. This time estrogen is high at 443. Wow! Never been so high. But he did give me estrogen biodentical cream for dryness..same thing happened in Feb. when i was given some by my GYN took estrogen really high. Though, they say it does not absorb in the blood. Hmmm. My tetesterone was high before now its down, my dheas has gone even higher. The thing that has me really alarmed is that my b12 is really high. It has been high for every test. Though i was taking b12 spray but i no longer takes it since Feb. It started off being high as of last April, i did see a decrease , but still high but now it s increased again. I do have digestion issues, but when i google it, i am given really bad stuff. Anyone have any suggestions or anything. I am on biodentical progesterone and estrogen. I see a slightly increase in progesterone but increased in other hormones. What is going on here? Any suggestion or comments?
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bobbysgirl mary27278
Hi Mary, first of all, please don't be alarmed, hormone levels do fluctuate. I think you may have answered your own question. You say you were given bioidentical cream? Whatever the docs tell you, anything you put on your skin (and that includes perfumes and moisturisers) ends up in your system - the same system your blood sloshes through every hour of the day!
As for the B12, I believe it is almost impossible to OD on B12 as it is water soluble and excess is flushed out. Have you had any tests for your liver? Sometimes, high B12 COULD be a sign that your liver is not working as well as it should.
Recently I had a hair analysis done. All I can say is all of a sudden many of my health concerns have an answer and I am working towards sorting them out without a carrier bag full of drugs from the GP, who could give me no answers.
mary27278 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl mary27278
I'm no expert on that, but you could ask your GP to a full test if your other results were inconclusive.
All I am aware of is that excessive B12 in the system could mean the liver is not functioning 100%.
There is so much info out there that I only research the bits relevant to me!😁 That being said most GPs don't have the time to research everything. They are GENERAL practitioners.
Guest mary27278
They can be normal but your liver can still be sluggish. There are things you can do to support the liver through food. Like drinking warm water with 1/2 an organic lemon squeezed in every morning before eating.
mary27278 Guest
gailannie bobbysgirl
Str8tfans gailannie
bobbysgirl gailannie
I will pm you with the details. Company I used is called mineral state.
Str8tfans I'll pm you too!
tina00239 mary27278
Your hormones are all over the place. Sounds to me like you need to be referred to an endocrine specialist to get a full and proper explanation as to what is going on with you. But any hormonal upset, up or down can and will cause digestive problems. It's all interlinked. Get your Dr to refer you asap then you will know what to do to help yourself. X
mary27278 tina00239
Tina00239 I went to an endocrinologist and she was very unhelpful. She said since my yhyroid was fine there was no need to check my hormones since i was in perimenopause. So, its like im going back and forth. But i talked to a very helpful doctor who is the author the author of a book on adrenals and the maker of a progesterone cream and he said said that i have "hyper adrenals" which are causing the issues. Its putting out too much adrenanline and its raising those hormones.. ( the wrong one)
tina00239 mary27278
There are methods to suppress adrenals that are hyper active but only an endo will be safe and able to help you so I suggest you find a different endo to go to as this is specialist stuff. I've had hormonal problems all my life, I'm 54 now, so know how important it is to get this right for you. Some consultants are dismissive, but if you are in UK, you are entitled to see an alternative endo. X
gailannie mary27278
Hi Mary, if I've got this right, you are in perimenopause so still having periods. Of course, you know that when in your cycle these labs are drawn, is really important. Since you said you were given a estrogen for dryness and told it wouldn't reach your blood stream, I'm assuming it was one of the vaginal type estrogens. AND YES, even though they say that won't raise blood levels, that's hog wash. There are plenty of studies that suggest otherwise.
As Bobby girl mentioned, your hormones are all over the place in peri. And obviously what you're taking is raising your levels.
mary27278 gailannie
Gailannie, you are so right! Last month I had no period and this is when blood was drawn. I got my period yesterday so im sure it has changed again. I have to stop letting everything fr--k me out. I just talked to someone at the health store and i was advise to cleanse my liver to rid some of the b12.
This peri stuff can be nerve wrecking!😲