Bloody diarrhea?

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Quite embarrassing actually.

About 2 weeks ago I thought I had a tummy bug, keep running to the loo. It lasted about 5 days then went away for abit then about 3/4 days ago came back again, going about 3-6 times a day but this time there's bright red blood mixed with it. I've also been experiencing the worst stomach cramps, some have them have felt like contractions!!

I have got a drs appointment, just wondering if anyone had had this and if they knew what it was.


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh I forgot to add, I have on off nausea, dizziness (unsure if it's related). I'm hungry but full.

  • Posted

    Think you are right going to the doctor. Could be IBS or anxiety but the blood in your stool needs mentioning. Hope things go well.

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    From recent, personal experience........ the colour of the blood shows that it hadn't been in your digestive system for very long. Indicating that it was from the 'bottom end.' I'd guess that it was caused by the physical strain from the prolonged upset which you've suffered.

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    the blood could also be from hemorrhoids if you were going to the bathroom that often it is possible you developed some.

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      True Heather383, because hemorrhoids can be external or internal. .do an internet search ,it's possible especially after days of the runs.

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    Are you sure the substance you saw was blood and not undigested red coloured food? I don't know what you have; your doctor will arrange tests to establish the cause.

  • Posted

    It's not off something I ate.

    embarrassing but - this morning I had what I thought was blood mixed with stool on the loo roll... but I asked my husband to look to make sure.. and he said it wasn't, anyway flushed the toilet and went on with my day, then I went back to the loo later that morning and saw that not all had flushed away and there was blood all around it.. so it was a darker red because I didn't see it at first. (Don't judge me on not checking the toilet before leaving, I was busy don't have time with 2 kids).

    I don't think I have hemorrhoids, I can't see anything but it could be a possibility I suppose.

    I was told I may have IBS, but I get constipation from it, not this.

    Also sorry for being very descriptive..

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