Bloody mucus stools

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I seem to spend my lifetime trying to figure this out !!

back in may last year i had an episode of horrible yellow loose stools , this continued for 16 weeks ( colour went darker / normal ish) however i had LOTS of mucus sometimes brown/bloody , lots of stomach nosies and nausea ii had a borderline calprotectin and i had a ct colonoscopy , as coudnt tolerate normal colonoscopy i also had an endoscopy . These came back normal and shortly after having these tests my bowels seem to sort themselves

anyway fast forwrd to 7 days ago !!!

after two months of stress off we go again horrible yellow bowel movements for two days , things have gone to normal ish colour again but cramping tummy and wind and mucus stools again and nausea

does this sound like IBS i cant thjnk it can be anything sinister as surely it wouldnt have stopped for 4 months ??

symptoms seem worse first thjng in the morning when i first wake up ?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Have u got a gallbladder?? you may have a prob with stones or sludge blocking ducts?

    do speak to your dr and try and get some tests.

    good luck

  • Posted

    Hi fiona 66001

    Try keeping a food diary. You may be eating certain foods that are causing your problem. Are you intolerant of any foods such as gluten, wheat, soya and lactose. Keep a food diary day, date, food consumed, reaction to foods consumed. If a correlation forms check food labels to see it gluten, wheat, soya lactose are in bold writing. It is worth taking the time out to do this incase food intolerance is the problem. Do it for a month or so. If it is not a food intolerance then you will need further testing.

    You appear to have symptoms of IBS, but try a food diary just incase it's a food problem.....

  • Posted

    I've been having similar symptoms. It started in June last year with loose/mushy yellow or orange stools with lots of orange mucus. Abdominal cramps, nausea, wind and acid reflux also. This continued for seven months, however my symptoms have improved in the past month and my stools have pretty much returned to normal, although I'm still getting lots of mucus, wind and acid reflux.

    I've had countless blood tests, stool samples, an abdominal ultrasound, an internal ultrasound, an endoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy. All of my tests have come back normal, although they found out that my iron levels were extremely low.

    My doctor seems to think it may be bile acid malabsorption but I'm not sure. I'm still waiting for my biopsy results so we will see what happens.

    • Posted

      wow sounds so similar please kepp us updated when do you get results ?

    • Posted

      my symtomps match yours exactly at least sounds like it. it's been around nine months for me.

    • Posted

      what sort of tests have you had i worry constntly that its my pancreas !!!!!

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