Blurred vision and seeing spots.
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Hi ladies. I'm 3 years into the menopause and I'm still experiencing blurry vision and it's happening every day. I also occasionally see spots when I look at somethings up close. I read that women only get blurred vision during the first few weeks of menopause. Is anyone else still experiencing these symptoms months or years later.
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wendy36287 faz5503
hi it's all in d package ,no need to stress just do your vitamins it shod help
nancys21 faz5503
Hi. I'm almost 2 years post, and have been experiencing this for about 3 years. Makes driving and other things difficult.
tracy43395 faz5503
Been like that for 6 years now, since my hysterectomy. Cant see to read a book. Have to limit my time on here too.
Foxy62 tracy43395
Im exactly the same, my eyes have definatley changed since my hysterectomy 6 years ago like you . ive had 3 different prescriptions and now been refered to hospital due to pressue . Nightmare .
Thanks ladies. I have so many other scary issues but it helps to know that I'm not the only one with blurred vision. However, none of you mentioned seeing spots so I guess that's a concern. Take care ladies and thanks again.
nancys21 faz5503
I have eye floaters frequently. Every once in a while I see black spots or flashes of light in my peripheral vision. Also, I sometimes see stars when I turn my head too quickly. Recently went to the eye dr. All was well except for dry eyes. I use eye drops and take a ton of fish oil, per my docs orders. I told her it was menopause related, and she was kind enough to give me the name of a pharmacy her mom uses for compounded bhrt. I'm just working up the nerve to make and keep an appointment with a new gyn. ugh! Hope this helps!
tracy43395 faz5503
I see spots all the time too
edna29227 faz5503
Hi Faz, Im nearly 2 years post meno and yes I have blurry vision and, like Nancy, I see spots on peripheral vision and was told I have very dry eyes. Doc gace me eye drops and night cream and some fish oil to take.
Anyone, please share if you find solution to our problems.
God Bless ladies.
LouiseScotland faz5503
I started getting blurred vision around the menopause...saw my optician who recommended glasses for all phone/screen use, and that has solved the issue. I have prescription glasses but also use ready readers from Poundland, with the optician's blessing. I have lots of pairs everywhere and no more blurred vision. Make your optician your first port of call and take it from there, good luck.
staci88515 faz5503
My vision is my most upsetting symptom. I have 24/7 blurry vision, after images, floaters, flashes, light sensitivity, and occassionally spots (glowing dots). It gives me anxiety. You are not alone. xo
Bindisid staci88515
i too have 24/7 blurry vision, floaters, flashes, light sensitivity. You are not alone.
Gigi368 faz5503
Hi Faz,
The last 2 yrs my vision has changed drastically.. I went from a very mild prescription to needing bifocals and I just turned 51. Last year at my check up it was discovered I have lattace degeneration which is the retina looks like lattace work.. that causes me to see floaters, sparks, dead spots in my vision. Unfortunately for me there is no cure and if I see more than 5 floaters at a time I have to get to the eye doc asap bc its possible I have a rupture. Driving at night is a nightmare and I won't do it if I don't have to. I'm not saying this is your issue and definitely not trying to scare you but it's always good to have a thorough eye exam. They say they don't know why it happens but I found it funny that I started the meno journey and then this is found.. Fingers crossed yours is nothing more than dry eyes!
pinkcatfairy faz5503
Dear faz
Im four years post and still get vision problems, blurred watery eyes which comes and goes and migraine auras, they seem to have subsided in recent months.
Plus dry eyes and floaters too!
faz5503 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinkcatfairy. Yesterday I went for an eye test and thankfully all is well. Apparently, it's natural to see floaters as long as they come and go. Take care and I hope that you have a lovely week free of any scary or annoying symptoms.