Blurry dry eyes...with menopause
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Hi ladies I do hope everyone is feeling well today 😉 do any of you get both or one very weak blurry eye with dryness, its almost as if its becoming a lazy eye, during the month.. It seems to happen at the end of every month, and comes along with my migraines Not fun..and has pain very sharp at times and other times not, I notice it feels dry weak and lazy sometimes that same side nose will be clogged, but this does leave but returns every month.. Any one else have this???
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Guest Gypsy014
Hey Gypsy! Yes! A friend of mine recently told me once it looked like I had a lazy eye! I thought I had a silent stroke, but...I attribute mine to the migraines. There is no way all the pain and pressure those things bring don’t screw up the nerves. ( Pretty sure it is why I have vertigo). I have bad eyesight since 5 yrs old. Astigmatism in both eyes. I get a spike of pain in my eye and temple too. Between that and my eye floaters, it is truly annoying! Sometimes when I am reading, I have to keep blinking to clear my’s like wearing dirty glasses. 🙄
Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Lou, yes I feel the same, and why does the mind automatically go to maybe a stroke! It makes sense that it has to do with migraines as the migraines happen at same time along with the head tightness vertigo dizziness, and clogged painful sinus pressure, the weather makes it all worse for me , I feel so much pressure from my head to my toes and feel like joints and everything are being squeezed, when it rains snows gets cold outside, it all goes downhill from there and symptoms get 10 x worse!!!!and sometimes if I go for a ride to the store with someone they do the driving through the rain snow and at night time, is so much worse , feels like your sitting still in the seat and everything is flying by you like a space ship, crazy, I think that's vertigo, then I'm like ugh just take me home so I can go lay down until it passes, I too have the astigmatism in both eyes...
audra86673 Gypsy014
My left eye feels weird! Hard to explain... it's like my outer eyelid on the outer corner gets tight and makes my eye water more than my right eye. It also feels warmer than my right eye at times. I went to the eye Dr for him to check it because , of course, I thought I had an eye tumor or was going blind in that eye! He did all type of high tech tests on my eyes and found nothing other than I have slight farsightedness ( which I already know and wear readers for). He said i had perfectly normal eyes inside and out! I was very relieved but it still bugs me at times.
Gypsy014 audra86673
Guest Gypsy014
Hello Gypsy. I occasionally get tired eyes as if I can't keep them open. I got scared because I thought it was a sign of dying.
It's hard to separate migraines from sinus pain. But yes I know the pain very well.
Gypsy014 Guest
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
pinkcatfairy Gypsy014
tracy43395 Gypsy014
My eyes are greatly affected by menopause. 5 years in and I can't read a book, knit, sew etc. It's the most scary and disabling symptom I have.
Gypsy014 tracy43395
Hi Tracy me too eyes very dry and blurry and getting worse with this transition.. I had my eyes checked and said dry eyes aside from that nothing else found that she could physically see anyways.. Were you checked for anything else?? I have rheumatoid arthritis and hashimotos, went to see a new gp last week and she's thinking I might have lupus another auto immune disease.. Apparently when there is one more follow, so I'm being checked for that.. Awful times right now, I'm still waiting because these are suppose to be the best years of our lives...
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
Yes I have been having eye issues since peri began. I have always worn glasses since I was two years old. I had a lazy left eye and had to have corrective eye surgery when I was eleven but I still always needed glasses. But since I turned 40 four years ago my vision has gotten worse. When I take my glasses off I can barely see well at all. I have to wear bifocals now and I get floaters and wavy lines with my vision now. Even with all my previous eye issues I didn't have these problems until peri started. I get the migraines too which affects my vision. It's no fun when your eyes are out of whack.