Body aches and pins/needles filling
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Hi ladies👋
I am 46 and my menstrual cycles are all over the places I have also gain some weight…😭😭! And while I have learn to adapt to and just cope I am noticing a real strange symptom and I'm wondering if any of you are feeling it…, I been super body achy and the worst part is this weird crawling poking feeling on my skin😖😖😖…
and i should learn to cope that as well but I can't help but to wonder if it's something more serious, and that why come here hoping somebody can tell if this is some condition or an illness …If anyone is dealing with this mess, how are you dealing with it ?!
any thing will be highly appreciated
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Struggling50 Goddess1
Hello, Goddess 1.
Yes, I get a prickling feeling under my skin. My toes, feet, legs, arns, hands and fingers get a tingling sensation in them. It feels like they are starting to go to sleep but they aren't going to sleep. It is just an uncomfortable tingling pins and needles feeling.
Sometimes my skin feels like a have a bad sunburn. My sister says that is a hot flashes/flush.
I get body aches too. I have Fibromyalgia so it is hard for me to tell if it is Fibromyalgia pain or perimenopausal aches.
I am having acupuncture twice a week for all of these menopausal symptoms I am having. It is helping so far. It helps with emotional symptoms, sleep, hot flashes, and many other symptoms as well.
I need to start taking vitamins and minerals and Omega 3.
I am considering traditional Chinese herbal medivine designed specifically for me and my menopausal symptoms by my acupuncturist.
I am thinking about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, too.
I hope you feel better soon.
bobbysgirl Goddess1
Sounds familiar! It didn't start for me until I was about 51 now at 58 the period related problems have stopped but I still get (fewer) hot flushes and the pins and needles and joint pains are worse.😢
I take Vits D3, C, K2, B3 and B12 with minerals, magnesium and sometimes zinc. Doctors will tell you to take calcium. But I don't think most calcium supplements are worth it and do more harm than good. Better getting it from your diet.
Stevo100 Goddess1
Hi Goddess 1
I can completely emphasis with you!!! I have had this prickly creeping feeling for 3 moths now. I'm 44 years old and have had blood work come back normal and hormone levels normal x I have horrible aching in my arms and at times in my legs. I'm worried I have MS as my lovely mum died over 20 years ago at age 42 x I have tried heat sprays, yoga, changed my diet to include more fruit. I take a multivitamin with omega 3,6,9 and starflower oil . It has helped a little x good luck if you find something/ anything that helps please drop me a note xx
gailannie Goddess1
There is a name for that (can't remember it right now) But yes, creepy, crawly sort of feeling is a common symptom. Most women describe it as if they have bugs under their skin. For me it was often a sharp tingle that drove me nuts.
flo52770 Goddess1