Body aches? anyone? :(

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this is ridiculous.  i ache all over some days. please anyone else who thinks this can be part of meno share if you feel similarly.  My neck, back and stomache (ribs) legs ,even  jaw   uggg im so sick of worrying.  i feel a mack truck hit me, put it in reverse and ran over me again.!    

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32 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi shawnalb

    Definitely one of the joys of menopause. I used to suffer from back, neck, rib pain and general aching. Since taking bhrt it has been much much better and I rarely have to take pain killers now. Hope you feel better xx

    • Posted

      were you afraid to take hormones?  im about at my wits end with stiffness especially in am.  i feel 90 amd im not 50 yet.  
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      Yes! I should have been taking HRT from when I was 16, but I was worried about the long term effect. I'm 43 now, and my god I wish I could go back. Thanks to my flipping hormones I have lots of chronic illnesses, but at the start of the year I just hit the wall with pain, anxiety, fatigue, utis.... All the good stuff. So I just thought it was the right way to go before things could get worse. I have tried a few different types over the years, but nothing over a few months. The bhrt are the best fit for me and have to say its been a relief. First few weeks we're scary, I was in high alert waiting fur syde effects but u started seeing improvement after about 5 weeks or so. It is daunting, but for me worth it xx

    • Posted

      I think it depends on the circumstances really. Ive never produced hormones, so the damage done so far is possibly different to natural menopause. The decision point for me had to be 'is my life impacted and could I avoid it'.' just got to the point where the answer to both was yes, so decided to go for it smile x

    • Posted

      I suffered with awful stiffness but it does ease in time... I felt like a stuf board first thing and like you felt like 90...but I think this is our bodies readjusting to the change... I am sure with time, it wil ease. CK
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Yep you saw how many responses. The aching stiff neck and lower back..its like normal for me now, much worse since menopause.

    everything that somewhat bothered you prior is now magnified. Thats how it is for me anyhow

  • Posted

    I improved my aches and pains with diet change sparked by a gluten and food allergy diagnose and feel better at 51 than 41. I stopped all prescriptions and started physical therapy as the gluten stopped the absorbing of nutrients.  I’m not totally pain-free but much improved. Good luck ladies. Hang tough. 
  • Posted

    The timing is perfect for your question. I've been aching for a few days now, and was getting anxious until your question.. I glad to know it's JUST hormones again..

    I hope you feel better soon...

  • Posted

    You’re not alone! I have stiff neck and shoulders. I’ve also had problems with my jaw feeling tight for periods of time. My ribs and the area just under them. All my symptoms seem to be mostly in my left side. They always seem to be the worst right around my period. The anxiety is by far the worst of my symptoms! 
  • Posted

    Anxiety and panic attacks and itchy I itch and cant help but draw blood I am  on antiinflammataries herbal menopause supplements I HATE THIS 
    • Posted

      I know me too! So tired of it, feel like there's no escape, no end. I feel like an alien has taken over my body and mind, is messing with it all and won't give it back! I hate it too!

  • Posted

    I have long baths to help but  then I get a UTI all part of menopause ...  just he itching please tel me someone else gets itchy please 


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