Body Achiness

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Yesterday it was ribcage discomfort which its better but seem to move from tbe right morer to the left side.

Today, i have body aches all over, when i say all over its starting from my head down to my toes, seem to hit every inch of my body. It feels like flu like achiness and soreness. I have taken so many supplements, herbs, tried bhrt, but get a reaction from.progesterone. Is there anything that will bring comfort from these symptoms.? This is my ovulating time so that could be why im feeling so awful for the past few days. I tried anxiety meds but worked at first but no longer works. The last time i took it , it increased my anxiety. 😓

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I use to get the body aches alot that felt like I had the flu that was actually my first symptoms of entering perimenopause I friend of mine told me to start taking vitamin D3 and it helped alot maybe try that if your not already taking it. I started out with 3,000iu
    • Posted

      Pamela you know you may be right, because i was taking it consistently and during that time blood work.showed it was at a very good range then. I had some achiness then but it stopped. Recently, i slacked up taking it and my last bloodwork showed that it had dropped alot. Now, if i take it it gives me heart palpitations, i dont know why. Lately, about everything i take i get some kind of reaction from it. Thanks for the suggestion.
    • Posted

      Yes me too lately it's like my body is oversensitive and reacts to everything, I've also noticed I can't have any emotions either bp shoots up and I'm even on a BP med

  • Posted

    Hi Mary 

    I want you to know your not alone 

    I know exactly what your going thru 

    I go thru that everytime I’m late with my menstrual sad

  • Posted

    Your not alone!!! I have aches in my hips the run down to my feet!!! It totally stinks!! I’m 52 and this started about 6 months ago... ughhhhh.. hope you get some relief!!
  • Posted

    I am intolerant progesterone hrt come off that part ache pain better already 😀

  • Posted

    Turmeric has helped mine. Sublingual D3, B12, zinc carosine.  I have IBS for years so my minerals we’re not being absorbed. Gluten caused so much damage to my intestines. Two years out I’m much better.  Hypothyroidism also doesn’t help. I’ve recently added Dr. Wilson’s adrenal blend and it has a subtle change.  I had a host of issues that diet and herbs have helped.  🌸

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