Body Pain
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Hi Ladies, Do any of you find that your body hurts in different areas at different months? Last month it was my bladder issues, the month before it was shoulder and neck pain, this month it is digestion and sore abdominal muscles. I don't get it. It feels like I did some heavy duty weight lifting, but I didn't. Would it not be nice to have a month where you didn't have to sit and wonder what is wrong.
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cindy_45475 Takingtime
Hi there.
I am sorry that you are suffering but it is nice to come across someone else that has said about pretty much constant pain. I am post menopausal and I would so over the last 8 years or so I have had something crop up on a regular basis. Knee pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, left sided rib pain, breast pain, totally random foot pain and the list goes on..... I just try to keep myself as healthy as possible. Eat a good diet, and exercise where I can. Take care x
Takingtime cindy_45475
Hi Cindy, I am still in perimenopause I get monthly periods although they have a random pattern. I just find now I am lucky to have a week where something in my body isn't hurting. I eat well take regular vitamins, exercise but it does not seem to matter.
debra64760 Takingtime
taking time
what do you mean bladder issues dear? I know personally since two days after Christmas I have been having the urinating every 10 minutes or sooner burning afterwards cramps pains everywhere just always something. this bladder stuff is driving me crazy. I'm about to cry now. cant stand it. water helps and a little of a bc powder
the doctors say it is weight gain and perimenopause. I have lost 8lbs since being on weight watchers for a month now. pls tell what you were having on bladder issue. ty
Takingtime debra64760
hi Debra, I get bladder urgency, sometimes burning feeling in my bladder and yes I go frequently. i disagree about the weight as I have had this on and off for over 3 years and it started when I was skinny....I have gained weight now due to this time of life. I went for countless urine tests and no sign of infection so they chalked it up to intersitial cystitis.
debra64760 Takingtime
taking time
hi what did they give you for interstitial cystitis
I looked up the syptoms yesterday after getting your message and I really think I might have it. it said to take certain antihestimines so I took a benadryl last night and it feels better today. still feel the weirdness of it but no burning afterwards today. ty for you reply. also I do agree with the weight gain thing I have not noticed anything different since I have lost 8lbs now but just feel a little better and lighter lol. I will still continue the diet but the perimenopause you cant diet away lol. ty
Takingtime debra64760
Debra, I try to do the natural approach to avoid side effects from medications. what I have done that has been helpful is using a vaginal probiotic this helps get the PH in balance in the urogenital areas. I drink peppermint tea or nettle tea and that can soothe it. It sounds like you found what worked for you. i also found acupuncture helpful but that got expensive, so I had to stop that. I see a pelvic floor physio therapist a few times a year and that has been helpful also. I now found I can go months without having any problems, but like I said in my post there is always something to replace it. This month its digestive and full body pain and stiffness, last month bladder, the month before it was shoulder, neck and severe stabbing headaches. The pain is so bad this time I cancelled my work week, usually I will try and push through, but not this week.
melanie63591 Takingtime
oh the random body pains! And the bladder stuff! Different things every month. And yes, wouldn't it be amazing to have a day with no pain or worry? I'm not sure I would know what to do with a free day like that!
Takingtime melanie63591
Yes I know exactly what you mean. some months you sit and wonder if there is something more serious going on. I wouldn't even know what to have my doctor test as its all over. Back in 2017 I had so many medical tests, heart, blood, ultra sounds, xrays and everything was good. They offered anti depressants to see if that would help with the pain, but my body rejected that. So now I just go with the flow and pray once I hit menopause that will be the end of these symptoms. I was told there is a possibilty I have fibromyalga which seems to line up with everything I am feeling but there is really nothing that can be done for it.
debra64760 Takingtime
taking time
hi and ty for your response again. can you recommend the natural ph meds you took the name and where you got it from. I started to hurt again right before i went to bed last night. but did not take a benadryl it worked but i was so tired yesterday from the side effect of it. i might still take it again if i need to today but I'm hoping i dont but we will see. i used the capsules so I'm going to buy the regular pill form. meds instantly get in my system I've always been like that. but anyways when it happens which is on and off daily all I do is cry it feels like i have set in a bath of soapy dirty water and with an infection inside just the weirdest feeling cant stand it. though i have many many symptoms everyday sweats headaches joints hurting and etc. this one is bu far the Worse one ugh. ty very much