Body shuts down but all medical test come back good?
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this is long but i tried to sorten it as much as i can. please read!!!!My mom was founf in 2017 unconscious. She had woke up with her husband they drank coffee and he left around 7am. Her husband came home around 6pm and he thought she was just taking a nap. He then got a phone call from my mom's boss saying she didn't go into work. He went to wake her up and that's when he realized she wasn't just sleeping. They get her to the hospital and have to intubate her because she wasn't breathing on her own. They did CT scans, blood work, etc. There was no signs of stroke or bleeding in her brain. The next day they did an MRI, EEG and did a spinal tap because her white blood count cells were a little high. all the test came back fine. fthey put her on antibotics because she either aspirated when she went or conscious because it showed some pneumonia. Anyway days goes by and she starts waking up slowly. very drowsy and out of it. She starts breathing on her own and she starts coming to more. by the try day she is walking and pretty much back to normal. A little weak and tired. Dr.s don't know the actual cause of any of it but say it could have been a seizure. they send her she has a follow up with a neurologist they put her on anti seizure medicine. so now a year and a half later the same thing happens. this time she is found sooner so she didn't fall completely unconscious. she's very out of it.l, her eyes are very droopy and glazed and has a hard time talking. we couldn't understand her. they do all the same test and process as last time. next day she starts getting better some still weak, a little drowsy and speech is still slurred. as the day goes on everything is coming back. next day she can talk fine, eyes are fine, still weak but can walk now. they have ruled out seizures, MS, etc. anyone have any opinions, similar situation or ideas????
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lester90053 kristen74765
Rener kristen74765
kristen74765 Rener
Thanks for replying. I believe she wasn't on any medications when the first episode happened.
lester90053 kristen74765
Rener lester90053