Body wide twitching for 5 weeks scares it is ALS
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I have been having body wide ransoms fine twitching all over. It has been going on for 5 weeks but nothing else is wrong. No abnormal labs normal MRI everything normal but the weird fine random twitching everywhere. Which is a symptom of ALS. I am afraid and have no one to talk to. Anyone else have this experience?
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will24 angel10949
LOL, sounds nothing like als my friend. But if it was als their is nothing they can do, so would you want to spend your last moments in life worrying about it or enjoying the things you like.
I myself had abnormal blood work, 2 abnormal emg's followed by a refferal to a als specalisist and then another abnormal emg aswell as a abnormal muscle biopsy. The Als specalisist is sure i have a myopathy but cant seem to prove it with test.
Once you start having swollowing problems, breathing problems, followed by the inability to move an arm or leg then be concerned you may have als.
angel10949 will24
Did you have the body wide twitching?
I am sorry to read about what is happening to you.
I have read many studies because I have a degree in reasearch and it says twitching can predate any other abnormalities by 3 to 11 months. So that is why I am afraid. So sorry about what is happening with you I feel stupid when I read what you have gone through.
will24 angel10949
jared1017 angel10949
Dear angel10949,
Not sure where to begin,
I've been having alot of twitching throughout my body, mainly in my extremities for several months, they have seemed worse lately. I freaked last week when reading its a main symptom of als. I knew it was a possible symptom of ms and other illnesses some more serious then others.
The reason I freaked is I have had weakness&numbness in my right quad/knee, and have lost muscle mass there, however only in that area. That particular problem isn't new. Its been a problem since early 2015. In Jan 2015 over a 2 week period I was unable to walk due to excruciating pain mainly in my right hip area. About a week or so before this I had shoveled snow but other then a mildly sore back after it seemed like nbd. I knew I had disc problems in my back since the 1990s. I noticed the weekend prior I had difficulty putting my sox&shoes on. I woke up on a monday a.m. in as I said pain off the scales, couldnt walk to the bathroom. The pain lasted 2 weeks i woke up on a monday 2 weeks later and the vicious pain was gone just as strangly as it began. I have never had pain like it since.
It was never completely known what caused the severe pain, but the drs believe it was major pressure on a main nerve. I did therapy after but it probly needed to be more rigorous. As I said it was shortly after that I noticed the loss of muscle mass&weakness in my right quad. I took an mri that did show what I knew several herniated discs.
This as I said has persisted ever since and while the pain is overall been minimal the weakness has gotten not significantly but noticably worse, but only in that area and no where else.
About a year ago I noticed tingling and numbness in my left toes and right fingers, even in my right ear. My immediate thought was maybe it was problem with my heart or some cardiovasular issue, maybe diabeties since that does run in the family. That was checked out and nothing was found. My sugar was within normal limits.
More recently I noticed the twitching and cramping in my left foot. I went and saw the back dr. in feb 2017 he did another MRI that did show the disc problem had become nominally worse. He was concerned the loss of muscle mass had not regenerated and ordered an EMG. It was performed march 2.
I said had been freaking out after reading the symptoms were similar to ALS last week. I saw the dr yesterday and I am somewhat relieved that the EMG was completely negative. He said the nature of the twitching is more consistent with a benign condition since it does seem to occur while at rest. The tingling and numbness in the left side is more consistent with a pinched nerve in my neck. I did have a problem with my neck in 2006. Furthermore as I said I don't have any coodination or swallowing problems. He did say if it persists and im concerned he'll send me to the neurologist. In the meantime i'm going to have steroid injections and more rigorous therapy for my back problem.
I also saw my primary physician just before my EMG and he gave me a shot of toradol. I did feel much better for about 2 weeks, the tingling was all but gone, and my rightside felt stronger. Never the less me being a "glass 1/2 empty" guy I always expect the worst/hope for the best. I will be following up with my primary dr of 30 years next week just to get his opinion.
In conclusion having recently turned 50 I know major health issues can pop up. The twitching is still a concern but I am somewhat relieved the EMG was negative. I got to say its a horrible test, and the dr was thorough. I joked to my buddy the dr must of been with isis because he was of arab decent&had a muslim name. Dont mean to offend anyone, he was very nice, i'm not a trump supporter in anyway and have nothing against muslims. It was just a very long(a solid hour)uncomfortable brutal test thay consistented of needles and wicked electrical shocks.
If you havn't already angel you should seek medical attention, perhaps have an EMG just to make sure its not something serious.
berni03572 jared1017
Jared it is sad to read about your array of symptoms. However many are common to what I have experienced over the last 3 years. Muscles twitching, numbness, tingling, joints aches, back and neck pain, neuropathy, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, mouth sores, cognitive impairment, memory loss and more. It all began slowly at first. I was a fit and active runner in optimum health. Then one day I got a Tick Bite, near my home in Southwestern Ontario Canada. Took the tick and went right to my Dr. who did blood work, gave me 2 weeks of antibiotics. I had no immediate symptoms and no rashes. But 3 months later my hip starred to ache severely. I went from massage and physio. It did not help. The pain rose up my back to the neck. It was like stabbing pain with a knife. Then it would disappear. Only to return again to a new spot like my temples or shoulders or knees. I went to specialists and was eventually diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis (which I thought was bogus since my RH factor was negative and no family history). But you trust the specialists right? Or do you? So I was still skeptical as the doctor was informed of my tick bite 8 months earlier and just discounted it! I looked into getingt my blood work tested in the US and sent it to 2 labs (Florida and California). Both came back positive for exposure to Borrelia bacteria that causes Lyme Disease (a multi- systemic infectious disease). Yes it can present with many different symptoms and affect the Joints, Muscles, Neurological, Cardiovascular and patients are often misdiagnosed. Lyme is the great imposter is mimics ALS, Alzheimer's, MS, Parkinson's., Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue syndrome. If you can try to get a western blot test done and I recommend in California, where this is there specialty. After I got my blood work back I could not find a Lyme Literate doctor to treat me in Ontario. So I found one in N.Y. state and have been improving greatly over the last year. If I stayed with the RH doctor who prescribed: anti-inflammatory meds along with steroids like prednisone and strong immune suppressor drugs - by now I would be in a wheelchair and unable to walk All those meds were the WRONG thing for my body, I was suppressing my whole immune system when I needed it the most. Be your own health advocate and ask questions. Off you don't like the answers get another opinion, and ALWAYS listen to your body - trust your instincts.!! Hope this helps someone. ??
Also check out on Google or You Tube: Dr. Richard Horowitz he has been treating Lyme patients for over 25 years, has written great books and is a reknown international speaker on this topic. He has a free MSIDS (multi systemic infectious disease syndrome) PDF doc you can fill in based on all your symptoms and score on each one. The higher the score the more likely you are to have Lyme or at least should be tested. Thanks hope this helps.
[b]I have removed reference to individual private clinics which are not supported by UK doctors[b]
lily46818 angel10949
I am not a doctor but was having this issue. I kept looking up online what it could be and freaked myself out. My neurologist told me that it was benign vasiculitis (not sure I'm spelling this right) but basically, 70% OF PEOPLE have this. It's from stress. Have you been stressed out? People don't think to come back to these forums to let people know that everything was okay and it was a minor thing but after a month+ of panicking, I got put on some mild antidepressents to help me with my stress.I had an EKG and other nerve tests done including blood work. If all of those things are normal, then it's probably BV. I hope this comment helps someone
angela59190 angel10949
I am sorry I did not update for everyone. Thank you to all of those who did. I am very grateful. I found out that I had a mild case of Guillan Barre Syndrome a variant known as miller fisher. I had become ill on thanksgiving2016 and was violently ill for three months the with gastroparesis orthistatic hypotension and tachycardia. During this time is when my twitches began. I had some mild Axonal damage from the illness. Which caused my muscle twitching. They assume it was miller fisher because it began in my face and I had facial numbness for 15 months. I may Have had another vatiant but they can't prove it but it may have been bickerstaff Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis. I had most of my damage in the cranial nerves. So I am very blessed it wasnt anything worse. I am better now and my twitches have almost went away but our nerves take year or two to heal if they do at all and completely. Again. Thank you and if I can help anyone I will. Blessings to you all.