Bombarded with loads off peri symptoms all at once!!!!
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Had a lot of peri symptoms just lately some more bothersome than other so I'll be as short as I can...
so with many, many symptoms occurring to me ......
some bothersome I have had on /off for abit
just lately the sickness (Nausia) that just won't go a constant everyday thing.
that won't go feeling so so sick. What do you do as I'm in Peri what do you do?
Is there anything that takes this away? Do ginger work?
anti sickness tablets work?
i have stumped to a halt can someone advise me please?
because its a continua šė thing every day just lately I need some advice or help?..
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sharon59026 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 sharon59026
just seems I'm bombarded a lot lately with some added and some very new.....Nause though this is horrid nothing I have tried works OR if it has a little it just comes back either minutes or hours later....BUT this happens to me (nausea) throught out my period and so to with the dreaded migrane's ( yes suffered 20+ years with this and on medication) sincere peri another continuese added symptom which is very diliberating through a period...
Zigangie Shelly0069
Yeah the nausea is horrible at times from the time you get up until bed.
I had it at the same time as the horrible taste thing. I think as far asi remember I it was worse about 5 years before my period's stopped.
I found ginger (I didn't buy capsules as I had such a cupboard full of stuff I was trying my husband was going nuts as it was buying a new supplement I'd found out about almost daily).
I just got ground ginger and filled a roll up paper with it and swallowed 2 of these before every meal and made lots of ginger tea (peel and finely slice fresh ginger and boil in water a few minutes) drink this hot like tea and any extra put in the fridge and drink cold.
I found this peppermint tea and extra strong mints to be good for dealing with both the awful taste and nausea.
Hope this helps.
Shelly0069 Zigangie
When you say ginger would the Biscuit help to?
i remember being awfully nausea with my daughter in the pregnancy with her and ginger biscuits really did help!??.
may try that with the ginger as to what you did!.
Zigangie Shelly0069
Sochima822 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 Sochima822
wow that is some list as what to eat or keep away from!
fortunatly I don't like Tea,Coffee, or spicy food certainly not anything like curries
Shelly0069 Sochima822
wow ur list is to what to have/ or keep away from, as I've said ( before this tablet froze I love fruit though.......
likewise with pains/or stomach ache I'm exactly like that.....
alot of pain or been uncomfortable/ and bloating!!!!!....
with terrible wind!!.
pinkcatfairy Shelly0069
Do you drink tea and coffee alot?, my nausea i am sure was made worse by these. Caffeine can upset the digestive system and the digestive system is all over the place in peri and this doesn't help the nausea x
Shelly0069 pinkcatfairy
thanks for your reply.......
nope don't drink tea or coffee......just drink bottled water, orange juice ( which I dilute) or few glasses of white wine!!!!!
that probably been my big downfall!!!..
Zigangie pinkcatfairy
I had to give up tea and coffee a few years into peri because it made the nausea worse.
I drank white tea as the caffeine is a bit different and I'm a caffeine junkie.
Late peri was able to deal with normal tea again. Coffee I used to drink all day but now it just adds to the horrible constant thirst I have so I limit myself to one a day after my main meal.
pinkcatfairy Zigangie
lennie45832 Shelly0069
Sochima822 lennie45832
lennie45832 Sochima822
Zigangie Sochima822
Takeaways only once a month. No burgers chips any more because I will know about it for about 24 hours either with dodgy stomach or reflux.
Same with alcohol fizzy drinks and only one coffee a day.
Eggs were off the menu for a few years during peri but I can deal with them again now.
I also stopped having bread, went from having a sandwich most days to having bread maybe twice a month which eased my bloating quite a bit.
Zigangie lennie45832
Try doing a liver cleanse there are several different ones.