Bone Density

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Has anyone's doctor recommended a bone density test just because they are post-menopausal? Seems to be routine in the states, but why?

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    This is probably because us menopausal women have a higher risk of osteoporosis

    You are lucky to have this as in England’s you only get it once you have severe symptoms 

    Take advantage 

    • Posted

      Lisa yes and you no why my sister just had a bone density test and she said it it cost the NHS £130.00 per person to have it done and you must attend the appointment if you are giving one..I would like one because sometime my knees hurt a bit but they not to concern about it, anyway shall wait and see how i go, my Doctor said to take vitamin D for life at the moment my levels are good.

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      I work for the NHS and that 130 would be less than operating later when some one is severe 

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      Yes so true,they should give you test, I lost weight around the knees just bones nothing no cushion so when kneeling it hurts so get a pillow..just hope it's just meno pain.

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    How do they treat low bone density? I mean before it develops into Osteoporosis?
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      My GP has told me to take calcium supplements as I am not on HRT
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      I already take calcium and vitamin D. I think that helps to prevent it in the first place.
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    Oh I like one of those because my knees hurt sometimes just to check they are ok..I think they look for Artritius and Ostperoisis conditions at this time of life.
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    Short version.  In menopause women's bodies find it difficult to assimilate calcium, partly because of declining estrogen levels.  That's one of the reasons why for years, women were prescribed estrogen. In reality, it's been shown that supplementation with estrogen only helps women assimilate calcium for about 5 years.  The other keys are nutrition and weight bearing exercise.    

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