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I have been taking 2x 10 mg tablets per day for six years they have stopped working and our causing withdrawel symptoms, one week ago i started to taper them down and come of 5 mg on my night dose, i now realize 5 mg was too much but i might as well persevere, i have felt really felt very Tense anxious and shaky, but the odd day is not so bad, is a week long enough for my body to ajust to this lesser dose, will i get more good days the longer time goes on, i do hope so the anxiety is terrible.

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8 Replies

  • Edited

    I was only taking 10mg a day for several months and have had horrible withdrawals from stopping. I didn't look into it and foolishly thought if I just stopped cold turkey it would be fine. My anxiety has been out of control for the past 4 weeks. I though at this low dose it should not be so bad, but perhaps some people are affected differently. I hope your anxiety gets better and please know that you are not alone.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, i have dropped 5 mg and i have had a terrible time so far but i am in my third week i do intent to stay on 15mg per day i think maybe i might be through the worst, i can hardly believe they are so bloomin hard to get off.

  • Posted

    I have been on Ami at 10mg per night, sometimes 20mg for a month here and there, over the course of 8 years.

    I went almost cold turkey, after a very quick taper, and it was horrendous - both physically and mental-emotionally.. - actually the physical side was much worse for me overall... I do know myself to be very sensitive, physically/chemically that makes sense...

    I had to reinstate after 5 weeks of total hell. It's now 5 weeks since reinstatement, and things are better than hell, thankfully, but all the withdrawal effects are very much still there, and sometimes intense....

    It seems to me that, depending on the individual, this drug is really hardcore for withdrawal, especially for those who've been on it for years... I've read lots of posts to this effect...

    Hang in there - there a lots of us out there, dealing with this challenge... . I hope things are improving for you....

    • Posted

      Yes they are Thanks still have some very anxious days but hey 4 more cutdowns and off, wheee,

  • Posted

    I had exactly the same as yourself, l have been taking the Amitryptytiline for five years i was put on 10 mg per night while i was nursing my brother with cancer and was unable to sleep at times, after a couple of years it stopped working and i went up to 20 mg i felt well on it till the last year and i started to have adverse effects it becan to make me feel very sad and anxious, i decided to taper off it i dropped 5 mg, boy i was so ill panic attacks not sleeping, chronic pain in my head nausea shaking the whole works but somehow i realized it was coming off these pills and was really ill in bed most of the time but because i had suffered nearly two weeks so bad l was adamant i was not going back on that 5 mg, after three weeks of hell i started to pick up and i was now on 15 mg since then i have dropped down to 10mg i cut the 10 mg in half 5mg in the morning and 5 mg at night more symptoms, my doctor said it would be easier to go on liquid to cut a long story short i am now down to ten mg per day, my doctor has advised me to drop a quarter of a mg each time till i am off, it has not been easy and i know i will have some bad days till i am off, you need the patience off a saint, i will never go on these drugs again, Good luck and remember we will not feel like this forever.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply and details etc.

      Well done for getting through this far! How long between cut downs? Did the doctor suggest a time for the cut downs? I'm curious as to what this may be....

      I am slowly healing since going back on 1mg a night, and intend to drop down very very slowly from here....

      I am also looking to get hold of the liquid to make the dosing easier, when tapering by very small amounts...



    • Posted

      I got my liquid Amitriptyline which is in a 150ml bottle from Lloyds chemist which is located in Sainsburys supermarkets, i find it is far better to get an accurate dose also ask for a syringe to go with it, you can get down to less than a quarter of a dose, my doctor told me always to cut down 1mg to 2mg i think you must cut down the dose to what suits you every one is different some people can tolerate withdrawel symptoms better than others i myself are leaving one to two weeks apart, the lower dose you are on the easier it gets. you will get there.

  • Edited

    hey fellow ami taperers,

    i have only been on a low dose for about 3 weeks now, 4 days at 5mg , 10 days at 10mg, then the past 4 days at 5mg. doc wants me off due to side effects that developed at 10mg as he felt they would only get worse as we increased dose, instructions were to go backs to 5 which i did 4 days ago for one week, then 2.5mg for one week then off. im wondering if i shoukd just try to get off now before im on it for too long. any opinions

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