Botox for anal fissure -advice
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i am almost 2 weeks from having botox for my anal fissure. last night after a bm i had bleeding, and pain which is the first time it has happened since. i feel like its contracting all of the time. please can you advice me on what is the best thing to do? Is this normal? I have had 2 weeks off work and due back on monday. i have also been admitted 2 times previously for this and the doctors cannot tell me why i am getting pelvic pain as they are unable to do a camera until the fissure is healed
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claire406 Krabby
Hi sorry I can't help you. I had the botox 3 times and it didn't work for me so had the op in the end. It has healed but I feel the tissue is still sensitive inside so I drink plenty of water and avoid constipation. I had to give up dark meat too. I suffered 9 years total. If u cannot heal it, you might want to consider the op. It was brutal surgery but having the fissure all the time is brutal. At least you can look forward afterwards x
Krabby claire406
hi Claire
thank you for responding. 9 years, wow that's a long time. mines been 9 months and it feels like forever. I cant imagine what it's been like for u. I was hoping the botox would help, I know it's only 2 weeks but I have botox for migraines and I don't get anything with that. I guess only time will tell. I drink loads of water, laxatives and fresh fruit, to try and keep it going. I'm due back to work Monday and I'm dreading what I am going to feel like. why did u give up dark meat?
all the best for u x
claire406 Krabby
Because dark meat always made me constipated. I'm fine with fish and chicken. Another things you could try is when you poop, get in the ski position, the hospital told me this, it really helped me after the surgery as this is apparently a better position to be in when letting it out!! Also I never ever strain anymore, if I can't go, I take laxatives. When they done the final op, I had 3 tears, that's how bad it was for me, I would be screaming in pain and after a poop too. You may want to get signed off work for Monday too until u feel better
Krabby claire406
how long were u off work for after the botox x
claire406 Krabby
I didn't really have much discomfort after the botox apart from the usual anal pain, I wasn't working at the time. I would say u should visit your gp, u may have an infection. X let me know
Krabby claire406
you were lucky then. well, I phoned the ward and they told me to go accident and emergency, they have now admitted me to the ward I rang this morning with a view to going to theatre tomorrow x
claire406 Krabby
Oh dear! Poor you. What will they do?
Will they do the op I had to repair it?
Where abouts are you from?
I'm UK Suffolk. Wishing you well.
Krabby claire406
not sure yet, got to see the surgeon in the morning. there were talks of repairing it and a camera too.
I'm from Leicester. thank u so much for ur help and advice xx
claire406 Krabby
You are welcome, let's hope they do repair it for you. Internal spincterectomy, I think it was called. They make a small incision into the sphincter muscle that allows the fissures to heal but there is a risk of incontinent, but this is very small risk, I had the op because I would rather take that risk than live a life of misery. Only u can decide. Its also the case of eat well, avoid dark meats and drink well and minimal alcohol helps too. Are u male or female? They say the op is far more successful in men but I had it all I was fine although a little bit windy at first. Was trumping galore around tesco!!! Good luck, make sure the surgeon has done loads before!!!
Krabby claire406
I am female, but u wouldn't know that by the name I have used.
well the doc have just been to see me and they will be doing an MRI and also a camera under sedation. then they will go from there. I just hope it's not serious x
claire406 Krabby
That's good, get it sorted. Fingers x for you.
Krabby claire406
thanks babe x
claire406 Krabby
I've just remembered some more stuff about the op, I don't know if you have had kids or not, but they prefer to do the op after woman have had their families. There must be a reason for this, I'm not sure x
Krabby claire406
ah thank u. yeah I have a son, had a hysterectomy at 34. xx
claire406 Krabby
Hi what's happened today? Did they do it??
Krabby claire406
got my MRI at 12.45. then there saying doing the camera as an outpatient. I'm really getting frustrated
claire406 Krabby
I feel your pain I was screaming with every bowel movement towards the end and was suspose to have my nephew for the day, doctor put me on rectogestic and the headaches were phenm ominal. I couldn't look after a child like that. Bless u, I'm here for u
Krabby claire406
thank you.
the nurse has now shouldn't be on morphine and codeine as it blocks u. I am aware of that but they haven't given me anything to replace the codeine. apparently they may be discharging me tonight providing the MRI is ok. my point is if it's ok that Brill but doesn't fix the issue. getting fed up of it all now x
claire406 Krabby
Poor you! Def codeine does. If you have to take it, up your laxatives for certain. Morphine is horrible drug. Try and push for the op. X
Krabby claire406
hi, so I am out of hospital and have to follow up in 3 to 4 weeks time with the consultant. the MRI didn't show anything of concern but they still want to do a camera. I do t understand why I have pelvic pain too x
claire406 Krabby
Have no idea hun x x least you are out of hospital x
Krabby claire406
very true x