Bouts of depression with daily suicidal thoughts
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is there anyone out there who can help?
i have had mental health problems since my early teens ( im now in my 40s)
ive always had suicidal thoughts but over the last few years things have reached a point where i no longer want to live in this misery everytime someone says something negative i take it all to heart and my depression just gets deeper and deeper, i feel as if im falling and the light is dimmer and further away with every miserable day that passes.
since the lockdown has started services have been so restricted and now im lost and dont know where turn, suicide is my best option
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Emis_Moderator ray9674
Hi ray9674,
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologise for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
If you are based outside of the UK.
The Samaritans is a UK based charity, but they also have suggestions for how you can access help in other countries.
Please have a look at this page