Bowel problems
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Just when I think I am improving , it all comes back . My symptoms change from time to time . This year on and off it has been bowel issues . My anxiety goes into overdrive whenever Im like this and I imagine all sorts if things . The main thing is that for weeks I have a bowel movement with no problem every day , completely normal . Then out of nowhere I will have cramps and have real problems going , as the stool is so hard which in turn sets off my pile ( sorry tmi ) , so bleeding as well . I went back to the doctors again as I had this then and he checked me and said that I definitley had piles , so not to worry . I also had a blood test and I am aneamic due to my periods being so heavy . I am 52 and every time this flares up I think bowel cancer . Ive always had times where Ive had bowel issues , but this seems to be more often this year . That was the one thing I said to my husband last year when I had different symptoms " well at least my bowels are ok " . Now I worry myself silly over this . Please help
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Marisa02082 jane63977
I am So sorry you are going thru this!! It does effect your bathroom habits for sure!! I have a little different but essentially the same. My bathroom habits change completely and I have a hard time along with a lot of gas ...and the only thing is my hormones. It comes and goes and hasn't happened for a very long time and then "Bam" it happens again. I did not have a period in over 3 months and then this symptom came along again. your not alone. Hugs to you!!!
lisa95354 jane63977
Good Morning Jane, we’ve chatted before but I forgot what your answer was. Do you take a probiotic, there is actually a probiotic out there for mood, all of our health starts in our “Gut" Probiotics help many many things and Anxiety is one of them. You have to take it faithfully though, every morning. Iron supplements can constipate as well. Molasses, the good molasses, I believe it’s called blackstrap, has I think 16 to 18% iron. Talk to your doctor about taking molasses instead of an iron supplement. also try to clear up, clean up, anything emotional or anything unresolved. HUGS xo
sharcerv52408 jane63977
Jane and Marisa you have no idea how happy I am that you both posted your comments. I have been having issues with my bowels ever since peri began. I go through periods where my bowels are relatively normal and then out of nowhere I will have constipation. Around October of last year was when my cycles started being infrequent. This was when my constipation became more frequent and lasted for a longer time. I guess it's the lack of Estrogen. But my anxiety and worry go up. I start thinking something sinister is the case. My mother is 88 and has been having horrible constipation for as long as I can remember. She said my grandmother was the same way. I don't like taking laxatives because they make my stomach hurt. It's a very disconcerting thing to have to deal with.
sakura26 jane63977
Hi I've been having issues too in peri. But the opposite ... stomach cramping, bloating and bad diarrhea (gross). And sometimes even dizziness after eating. I did look it up and it is common because estrogen and other hormones regulate your digestion. It's ridiculous. Why can't hormones just be responsible for having babies and then menopause is just you're out of eggs! But everything else is normal, no hair shedding, anxiety, hot flashes, weight gain, eating issues. I'm sorry but whoever designed women's biology was an idiot, or a man.
jessie78520 jane63977
I've been having problems with this, too. Stomach cramps, bloating, and needing to go to the bathroom more than usual, but then an occasional bout of constipation. For me, it seems to happen more right after my period and then again before it starts, but since my periods are irregular right now, sometimes it comes and goes with no obvious pattern. All I can guess it that my hormones are shifting around and doing weird things to me! I do have times when I think it's something more serious, but then I remind myself that I have weeks where it entirely goes away. I'd think if it were cancer the symptoms would be more consistent--at least that's what I tell myself. And then the anxiety about it certainly doesn't help as that makes my stomach upset. This is one of my least favorite perimenopause symptoms.