Bowl movement while having anxiety, racing heat, feeling of passing out
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I have been experiencing something strange. When i am having a bowl movement a sudden attack of anxiety, racing heart, light headedness a wired feeling would come over me. Is this due to something wrong in my gut ? I immediately i have to lie down after and drink something. Has this happened to you ?
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Sassyr12a sally15609
Hiya Sally
It's never happened to but my husband has had something similar in the past. He's complained of feeling lightheaded and dizzy, and seeing stars lol. He works in a paper based medical unit and has access to doctors and nurses (lucky him) and when he asked they said its quite common from either sitting too long, or straining. Not sure if that helps at all? Think the anxiety kicks in then because you have a fright as and don't feel well maybe (that's the meno bit I think) xx
sally15609 Sassyr12a
Thank you Sassy. It has happened twice since i entered peri. Its an awful feeling. I am currently on my period and been experiencing all kind of symptoms like terrible anxiety, doom and gloom, scared, racing heart, headaches, week legs, lightheaded, ringing ears. I am trying to do my best to get through this time. I must say it is horrible. Thank you so much for your response.
Ella23ps sally15609
That usually happens when your vagus nerve gets stimulated. Expanding the bowel increases vagus nerve activation, as is done with enemas, coughing or tensing the stomach muscles. When you bear down to make a bowel movement you stimulate your vagus nerve. The vasovagal response is an automatic reflex that stimulates your vagus nerve. It can affect your central and peripheral nervous system, as well as your cardiovascular system. When triggered, the vagus nerve sends a message to the brain that may cause a sudden drop in your blood pressure and heart rate. That can then cause an anxiety attack and a racing heartrate. It can also make you feel light headed and you can even faint from it. Strange things happen when you loose your harmones.
Ella23ps sally15609
hormones LOL not harmones.
Sassyr12a Ella23ps
You did so well with your reply too Ella 😂 that's good to know. I've got an illeostomy, so thank goodness on this occasion I've dodged that particular bullet 🤪🤣 xx
sara97862 Ella23ps
I think harmones is my new word for these ucky symptoms!! Doing me more harm than good these days!
Good reply, thank you for the info.
julie95633 sally15609
i did get this a couple of times then i changed my diet and do feel alot better although i do suffer with anxiety every now and then hope you feel better soon xx