Boyfriend has had serious stomach pains for months now

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My boyfriend has had horrible stomach pains for about 3 months now. It's mostly pain, but some bouts of diarrhea and sickness too. Been to the GP, had blood tests (all clear), tried to eliminate gluten, wheat, dairy and soya to no avail. Also tried stomach acid tablets.

His younger sister is 21 and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease about 2 years ago- but so far, tests are saying it's not that either.

He is now not eating & getting very frustrated because no one seems to know what the problem is! Can anyone help?!

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Has he had an endo or colonoscopy done yet? That would tell what he has. It took 8 dam painful friggyen months before the

    Gastro docs knew what I had. Even if they tell you that u don't need on since other tests are coming back negative, request they be done and soon too. I, after requesting a colonoscopy be done found that I have DIVERTICLOSOS!!! Need more fiber in diet. Taking Bentyl and 500 mg of Tylenol, prescription of course, and back to work. Try what I said, it's a guess but hope it's the right one. Frank

    • Posted

      Hi Frank,

      Thank you for your comment! Yes he has had both done previously and the doctor said he couldn't see anything to worry about. I'm going to push for him to go back and ask for another - when he had it done before the pain wasn't so bad, or consistent!

      Thank you!

    • Posted

      Aisha, to hurt like you say, he has something wrong in his stomach If not already taken, X-rays, ultrasound, check his gall bladder, sounds like one of many IBS.
    • Posted

      Thanks Frank - we will go in and ask the doctor to do these things! Hopefully it'll be diagnosed soon.

      Thanks for the advice!

    • Posted

      My prayers to him cause I know the feeling of pain. It was worse then my bullet holes in my stomach, but that's war for you! Good luck!! God bless Keep the faith.

  • Posted

    I had similar problems, was told it was chronic ibs, tested for Crohns and then was sent to consultant after demanding to see someone higher

    I then had a test that meant I had a radioactive tablet, had a scan then went bk week later to see the effects

    It showed my body had bile acid malabsorption and that had been why everything I ate came out like rocket fuel and gave me heart burn and sickness

    • Posted

      Hi Mandie,

      Thank you for your comment! I do think it might be something like IBS but he just hasn't been diagnosed with it yet. We will keep making a fuss when we next see the doctor and see if we can have a test like you has to identify any problems. 

      Thank you!

  • Posted

    Has IBS been mentioned? I had constant stomach pain and constipation to start with along with on off nausea.  I then developed loose stools and back pain.  I had it for three months and IBS was diagnosed.
    • Posted

      Hi Pippa,

      We have mentioned it between ourselves, but it hasn't been flagged by a doctor yet! Is there anything we can try that will help us identify if it is IBS or not, without having to get diagnosed by a doctor?


    • Posted

      It is better to get an official diagnosis of IBS from your doctor.  There can be many causes of stomach pain and IBS can mimic a lot of other conditions.  If it is IBS, your doctor may be able to diagnose it based on a description of your symptoms.  If they are unable to diagnose, tests will be run to rule out other causes.  The doctor may try different medications to see how you respond to them and from this may able to identify what is wrong.  IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion and when all tests come back negative, Irritable bowel can be diagnosed.
    • Posted

      Best of luck!  Before I got diagnosed with IBS, I did a lot of googling to try and give my doctor ideas on what to test for because I had many visits to my surgery before I found out what was wrong.  I ended up stressing myself out more because everything I googled was something serious.  Not being medically trained, I was not able to interpret the information I was reading properly.  I got into a panic for three and a half months and made my symptoms worse which led to more panic!
    • Posted

      Thank you!

      I think that is happening with Jack - he keeps trying to diagnose himself online because no one seems to know what the issue is, and is making it worse for himself. I think he also struggles with not knowing what is wrong, and it all adds to the stress and anxiety!

      Hopefully we can get him diagnosed soon!

    • Posted

      The cause of stomach pain is very tricky to identify.  Doctors not knowing the answer is very common and frustrating. Let me know how tou get on.
  • Posted

    Go see a naturopath, ive been having stomach pain for a year doctors couldnt find anything. Its been 2 weeks since I seen a naturopath and its improved so much almost gone. He gave me a mix or herbal drops and minerals smile

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