Boyfriend has sciatica, low back pain, spasms,Chrones disease . How can I help him with excersise?
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Hi, I'm new to this and badly need some advice. My boyfriend has had back problems for years, maybe 10 years. Sciatica (his dad has it from youth), all over pain, shoulder pain and mostly lower back pain with spasms. In his 20's he was in hospital lying down a lot, for a few years on and off . He had chrones disease, which I think in clinical terms now is 'ulcerative colitis' as he had his small bowel removed, and has had an ilolostomy bag for 10years. This stops him from being able to lie on his front. The doctors have been quite useless. He is only 31. Money is an issue, and I wanted any ideas on how I could help him at home with exercises. If anyone has experienced any exercise program or specific yoga that has worked for them. He is so inflexible he is embarrassed to excersise in front of others. Although if anyone knows of any extreme beginner class, or gentle exercise class for back pain this would also be appreciated. In Glasgow, surrounding areas or Edinburgh. He can be so upset at nights with the pain. I give him massages when he needs, but apart from this I am clueless. I explain to him gently that yoga etc will help him. However he honestly just seems to feel hopeless and also says 'where would I find the time'. (travels long way to work and back, then up extremely early to do it all over again. Even if anyone has encouraging words for him, or a way I can introduce helping him with excersise /enthusiasm. Anyone with chrones disease that has the same symptoms. Literally any help is so appreciated! I see reading this back now it is a lot of information. Thank you for taking the time to read this Jessica
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jane75220 jessica_82487
How awful for you both.
I would suggest that your boyfriend has a complete blood screening to check for any vitamin deficiencies , anaemia including pernicious anaemia before embarking on any exercise programme.
If he has sciatica he is best being seen and assessed by a physiotherapist as well.
Take care xx
jessica_82487 jane75220
Thank you Jane. It is hard. I will look at blood test again, as I don't think he was tested for anemia last time! Didn't know this was best before exercising.
Jess Xx
caroline37192 jessica_82487
jessica_82487 caroline37192
Thank you Caroline, this is very useful. Especially the acupuncture which I think would help, I didn't know this was available on NHS. I'll look into these things.
caroline37192 jessica_82487
Jay73 jessica_82487
Hi Jessica,
Google Egoscue Technique - it's a gentle approach to postural improvements which can be a route cause of various pain - YouTube has a lot of excercises.
I've been doing it now for a few months and can see positive postural change which is now helping with my pain. My sciatica has almost all cleared up although I am still left with back pain which is much more stubborn but hopefully this will also ease over the coming months.
All the best
jessica_82487 Jay73
Thank you Jay, this is very helpful. Not heard of this one. I'll be sure to give this a go. Also positive to hear it is helping your sciatica.
hopefully your back pain in time.
Jay73 jessica_82487
All the best