BP Meds

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Hi was recently diagnosed with high bp and put on meds for the first time and was told to monitor for a couple weeks. How do I know exactly if the med is for me? After taking the meds I've been having a bit jumpy readings sometimes it's around the lower 110's/70's while sometimes it's over 130s/90s and often it's normal. Is everyone's bp meds consistent in keeping you guys in the 120/80s interval or does it jump for you guys as well? 

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6 Replies

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    Will not recommend to take BP meds of your BP reading are in 140s/90s. 

    Try diet and exercise first.

  • Posted

    Hi, my numbers jump around as well. It can depend on the time of day, what I've eaten as well as exercise, emotional/stress factors and even what I have drank. Your numbers seem very low. Were they higher before the meds?

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      It shot up to around 170/120's for a week, so started taking meds n it dropped around to 140/90's. I might try to fix up my diet and exercise more often and hopefully I don't have to take them long term.

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      Agree, Diet and exercise will definitely help. 
  • Posted

    Branden12..bp readings can & usually do vary throughout the day. The "golden" reading of 120/80 isn't considered golden anymore.It depends on age & other factors. 

    Do not take your bp readings within 30 min of eating, drinking coffee/tea, bathing/showering or exercising. Also do not take readings if you are not well or are in pain. Also don't take readings if you are upset or stressed.  Take 3-4 readings, then average them..that's your reading unless you have a monitor that takes 3 readings consecutively each 60 seconds apart then gives you the average. 


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