BP up slightly
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OK so I am a born worrier about my health. I had a baby 18 months ago and another 3 years ago with both I got preeclampsia post parturition and struggled to get it down for 6 months or more. Anyway with my last baby it has taken long. Last few months it has settled at around 113/83 (firstly is this normal or should I be worried) then last night after going out for a meal and eating rather a lot had stomach ache and spent a lot of the evening on the toilet!!!! Okay I took my bp out of curiosity and also feeling a bit worn out and lethargic I found it stick around 120-135/89-96 so now I am panicking that I'm still suffering...I'm not on any medication and haven't been for around 14 months.
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rocky31676 leanne86214
AlexandriaGizmo leanne86214
Hi Leanne, firstly 113/83 sounds fine considering you are obviously stressed about it, I'm presuming you are not on meds, the other readings aren't bad either since that's definitely the wrong time to take bp after food and tummy upset will definitely raise it, was it by any chance a fatty meal like Indian
leanne86214 AlexandriaGizmo
mike92384 leanne86214
leanne86214...you're obsessing when you shouldn't be. Your reading of ll3/83 is just fine. A lot wish they had that sort of reading. You should never take bp readings when not feeling well or are in pain just as AlexandriaGizmo stated. Relax...you're fine.
g.90572 leanne86214
leanne86214 g.90572
AlexandriaGizmo leanne86214
For some reason your reply didn't come through to me, your bp would be affected by spices and fat(chips) and I would say you were anxious about it so you do need to factor in white coat as well, go back to your Dr and tell him how worried you are so he can reassure you.
My DIL had same problem during and after both her two babies but was fine after about 4/5 months after.
Also hers was much much higher than yours .
Hope your feeling a little bit more settled
leanne86214 AlexandriaGizmo
I'm so so worried. I have been feeling OK about do took it tonight after sitting for 5 minutes and thinking nice thoughts and got a reading of 125/96 average no lower sometimes a little higher. I am terrified something is going to happen to me
my pulse was normal in fact quite low for me so I wasnt anxious.
mike92384 leanne86214
leanne86214...125/96..isn't that bad. The lower number is a bit high..yes, but your anxiety is not doing you any favours!!! If you feel a little anxious as you go to sit with your bp monitor..forget it...don't take the readings.
You'll be anxious wondering what the numbers will be. Truly my dear, you need to relax. Your numbers are fine, but they WILL climb if you allow yourself to become upset about them. We're not doctors on this forum, just people trying to help each other..but the best person to consult about your concerns is your doctor.
rocky31676 leanne86214
Are you sure it was not 86 ?
leanne86214 rocky31676
rocky31676 leanne86214
There are certain conditions and risks associated with high diastolic number.
Is it always this much elevated .... 96 ?
Ideally it should be 80 or less
leanne86214 rocky31676
rocky31676 leanne86214
113/83 is considered normal.
You will need to monitor your BP and see how many times or what times of day and at stress level it goes up ...close than 125/86 is considered pre-hpn. Above 130/90 is considered high with underlying CVD/KD, but for some people it can be just fine.
But you can read all here:
leanne86214 rocky31676
I have major anxiety but my pulse used to be high when I took it. I'm terrified of having a heart attack or stroke due to it! A couple of weeks ago it was at a normal level I only checked it this week cuz I was feeling a bit rubbish and was curious...wish I hadn't now. I also don't normally check it during the working week encase stress makes it rise temporarily (I work 3 days a week as a teacher and currently under a lot of pressure and a lot of changes happening) so I am doing everything I did normally do but I am now worrying myself!!!
rocky31676 leanne86214