Brain Fog.....

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Hello to all,

Does anyone have this?

I started experiencing it (I think) pretty intensely a few weeks back. It's like my head feels disconnected from the rest of my body/like there is a blocked feeling if that doesn't sound crazy. It just feels strange, like I'm somewhat emotionally numbed-

and is this related to EPV?........

thank you to all who participate on this forum-its been a lifesaver!

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    i have good news and i have bad news, the good news is that brain fog is completly normal. The bad news is is it can take a very king time to go away, this month marks 1 year since i got mono and the brain fog still controls my every day life.

    • Posted


      thank u for your info*

      im sorry youre dealing with it still.....

      i actually have had EPV for 7mos and only had headache in beginning -and slight brain fog occasionally-

      but was on antivirals for three months-

      and recently got off of them-

      im getting hit hard/brain fog/anxiety/tingling/numb

      very big adjustment......

      on top of all my other symptoms

      this virus is out of control....

      im in the deep south in US and i think allergy issues are adding to the whole illness*?

      may i ask what were your other symptoms through the coarse of this virus?

      i have a long list of symptoms-

      just like to compare notes....

      thank u....

      feel better & healing prayers to you!

    • Posted

      Hi Starr,

      I described that I felt that my head was connected to the rest of my body with a toothpick. For months on a daily basis, 24/7, I felt like those car dog toys with the bobbing was pure torture...thank God its almost gone now.

      After 12 months I finally found a very understanding infectious disease doctor who gave me 3 pages of blood work, including ebv! On Tuesday I will finally know what my body was/is fighting.

      Pray, think positive, things get slowly better with time xx

    • Posted

      thank u Vicky for your insight

      yea, it feels very bobble-like!

      its difficult for your head/body to feel disconnected~

      so glad you found a good ID Dr-

      that is who diagnosed me

      but i pressed hard and had go to him twice

      four months into this

      i was told my EPV titers were high

      it all made sense after that

      what a nasty virus

      i cannot believe i have been sick for 7mos

      i feel like im just stagnant

      will my body beat this thing?!?!?

      glad to hear youre doing better

      could you share with me what some of your symptoms have been?-

      thank u for your encouraging words they mean a lot!

    • Posted

      So hard to find a good doctor with this virus and most things it seems a lot of the time....praying that God can lead everyone on the forum to the right doctor and to bless all the contact and interactions with and advice received from doctors over the coming period, in Jesus' name.


    • Posted

      Thanks Starr and I appreciate yours too, it's the best gift people praying for me! I am still praying for you please be assured.


  • Posted

    Hey Starr,

    I'm not sure if it's a similar kind of thing that you're experiencing but when I had the virus I remember feeling kind of 'stunted' or disconnected, as if I knew something wasn't quite right or functioning right but I couldn't put my finger on what it was or how to describe it. It was a strange feeling and a kind of frightening feeling too.

    I think this thing can be quite normal during mono, I experienced that particularly in the early months. I have read a LOT of people talk about symptoms and sensations like this during the virus Starr, so just want to reassure you that it definitely seems like something that can be a symptom and normal part of the virus, but also something that goes away and ceases as your body starts to enter into full recovery. Very much hoping these horrible feelings pass and you can start to feel much more like yourself again soon, still thinking about you and trusting God with your recovery - He's got you firmly held Starr.


    • Posted

      thank u Craig

      i value your advice and insight

      i feel like every week i have to deal with some new development -:-|

      its draining......

      although i have dealt with this early on slightly

      but it was mostly a bad headache

      this brain/fog/anxiety is uncomfortable among all the things to deal with through this~

      i feel like in the past few weeks, symptoms have been hitting me quick and hard/new/old

      seems like things are changing so quickly

      with this-like its in a new attack phase?

      confusing how inconsistent this virus is. It seems to change things up to keep your body confused and chasing after it?

      will it end?

      will my back/legs/arms/whole body ever feel good?

      its getting harder at 7mos

      this just keeps going.....

      i pray a lot

      and have to sleep with a Crucifix at night just to relax/I pray and then ill fall right to works as i cant handle sleep pills

      im feeling like is this it

      is this my life?

      im discouraged.....

      trying to do so much health wise/eating perfect

      i feel like all im doing i should be getting better?....

      well i want to wish you a happy day/week ahead

      sorry im down & out

      im a very bubbly person until this virus hit me

      its hard to be you when you dont feel good-

      hope you are doing well and you had a good weekend.....!


    • Posted

      Hey Starr,

      Firstly you have nothing to apologise for. This virus can bring even the fittest, healthiest, most optimistic person to their knees for a time Starr, the longevity and intense nature of it makes it so hard mentally to deal with as well as physically. It really pushes you to breaking point almost, sometimes we are pushed right to our limits before God thankfully brings us back again - I know He says He won't give us anything that is too much to bear, sometimes I know it feels like things are too much to bear but let's trust Him Starr He will guide You safely through this and to a much better place again - I truly believe that.

      Yes I very much remember going through some different phases of the virus - the first few months were awful just terrible fatigue and running low grade fever all the time, these were the worst symptoms for me but also had aches and pains, joint pain, swollen and painful neck glands, and various other irritating symptoms at different times.

      Just want to answer your question that YES this illness and tough time will end Starr - it's understandable to be feeling down and discouraged given what you've been going through, after 7 months of this you're totally beaten up and fed up, I was too and needed God's strength to lift me again and stabilise things. He will do that for you Starr, He is hearing your prayers and sees that your faith is standing strong in this fiery trial and is pleased with you for that - keep remembering that.

      Thinking of you and hoping for a settled day tomorrow for you and praying for new peace, health and joy in your life - it WILL come Starr, God is great.


    • Posted

      thank u so much


      yes so true

      this virud has brought me to my knees, ive been so broken, but im leaning on GOD to pull me through

      its so strange you had joint pain as i had it months back and now yesterday morning i had every joint/all over/bones to just achy all over deep aches?

      so bizarre

      hard to keep up with the changes and the tricks/games this virus plays on you

      its been changing rapidly these last weeks with exception of my persisting symptoms as well

      i understand that GOD knows what you can handle but this is beyond brutal

      i tell HIM no more i cannot take it

      im at my limit with this thing

      praying for healing and patience

      hope you are having a great week!

    • Posted

      Hey Starr,

      Oh I remember it was at about 9 months that I had a very strange and horrible phase of joint and muscle pain, some weird bruising too and I was already fragile at that point that I just felt I could do nothing else but just put this in God's hands and pray for a miracle that He would pull me through and restore my health again. So grateful that our God is the God of miracles and that He answered my prayers Starr, without Him there is nothing I could have done then and there is nothing I can do today. Grateful for God's mercy, strength, healing and guidance.

      I don't know quite how to quantify it Starr but one thing I hope that offers some hope and encouragement for you is that something seemed to change very soon after that phase when I had the joint pain, as it that was the final intense and horrible chapter of the virus and that although still needed time to recover and heal, the weight of the whole thing seemed to start to lift after that as if it was the final push of the virus before my body finally took a grip of it thanks to Jesus of Nazareth.

      Hoping so much that this joint pain and aches you've been having settles down Starr, I still have faith that even though you are feeling exhausted and weary right now that God is giving you new strength and that He is a strong tower for you and is going to guide you safely through this and to a much safer, healthier and happier place. I am praying for that for you Angela - hang in there, Jesus is alive and He's working on your behalf and fighting this battle for you.

      It's so hard to have patience and endurance in the midst of this virus, it really is and I empathise so much with that. I'm thinking about you and just a word of encouragement just to hang on and hold on on tightly to your faith at the moment, God is with you and I believe God has started working on a breakthrough for you and that the manifestations are going to be seen in due course.


  • Posted

    Hi Star i feel like you described right now,sort of disconnected from everything and so tired,im 21 months into it now and was seeing some improvements but devastation hit 2 weeks ago when i sadly lost my only sibling my brother very suddenly,its caused a big relapse and im back in bed,i could do with your prayers my friend Craig if you see this,love to all ...

    • Posted

      Hi Diane,

      I am so sorry to hear about this awful awful news and sending deepest sympathies at this time to you and your family. You've been through so much Diane and to be hit with this words just fail me as I can only imagine how you must be feeling at this time. Just want you to know I am thinking about you and I will most definitely pray for you and pray that the Lord gives you the strength to come through this time and that He brings healing into your life and circumstances and pulls you out of this relapse.

      I wish things were easier to understand, why such terrible things happen to good people and all we can do is just trust that God knows everything and is a good God and that His ways are higher than ours and that He is not the author of the terrible things that happen but the one who loves us and rescues us.

      Please message any time Diane, any time you feel like chatting or want to ask for prayer or anything, just message me. Just take time to take care of yourself and look after yourself at this time also, I am still believing that God has good and GREAT plans ahead for you and that things are not always going to be this way - He still has a purpose for you to fulfill and wants you well for that I truly believe that. Thinking about you and sending condolences and love to you and your family at this time.


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