Brain Fog.....
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Just wondering how long anyone else has experienced brain fog since peri hit. I'm 8 months with it. Just have no interest, very little motivation. I feel the calmest right now that I have in a while. Panic attacks and anxiety down but, still feel like I can't think to move in any direction. Like my focus is still off so, it's really holding me hostage at home. I go out but, I don't feel fully in the moment. I don't have anyone close to me that has gotten hit with this - this bad so, I was just curious if anyone else is dealing with this. Thanks so much!
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Lkl2019 NothinforNothin
I can't focus at all. I used to make lists of everything and now that I need to! I can't. I def can't enjoy anything in the moment either. I've always suffered from anxiety but nothing like this. The type of anxiety has changed...with my body I guess...over the last few years since all this starting.. But all this has affected every single part of my body...mind and spirit. I don't remember anything minute to minute. only 41, nightmare.
NothinforNothin Lkl2019
I really feel your pain. I wrote a list the other day to take to the store and I left it at home! Thanks so much for your reply. I'm 48 and just hit with this. Yes, what a nightmare! It literally takes your soul. I'll pray for both of us it ends soon. It's driving me craaaazzzy!! I'm so ready to get back to life. I'm trying to keep my brain active by playing games on line today. A couple weeks ago I wouldn't have even had the interest to do that. If word blitz saves me I'll let you know 😮) Thanks again!
lori92895 NothinforNothin
My husband was saying the other day that with me he knocks but no ones there. Yep that's me. Getting old is not what I've ever wanted to do. I'm 52, don't want to see me at 102 like my grandfather is. I can't remember what I wore yesterday let alone my schedule for work or a list for the grocery store. And I still haven't remembered where I hid my necklace, it's been over a year.
I feel after 11 years at the same work place that I just should not be there and worry, and stress is all hanging around my mind.
I guess I should try meditation or something like that. I'm too tired all the time to exercise.
Hope things get better for you all.
NothinforNothin lori92895
Thanks Lori. I have worked my whole life up until now. There's no way I could have continued when this hit. My brain completely shut down. It's better now but, I'm terrified to go back to work. I still struggle focusing and I've never functioned like this. I'm curious were you able to continue working when this hit you or did you take some time off and return? How do you cope with the symptoms and working? It's so crazy. I've been round ppl all my life and I feel so vulnerable with this. It's really keeping me from moving forward. I'm just waiting to be a more stable before returning. I'm afraid I will relapse if I push too soon.
kelly55079 NothinforNothin
Me!!! Yes I can't get motivated to do a damn thing. No desire to shop, pedicure or nothing. It's like I don't care anymore. I usually decorate my porch for summer/fall-- NOPE notta no interest. Freaked out a little about X-mas and how I can pull it off. I did rake the leaves the other day which I made myself do cuz snow is coming plus fresh air is good for me. I have a pile of stuff that I look at every day and need to do something with BUT I have no idea what to do with it.. It's crazy. I used to be organized and get it done BUT I have no idea where that girl is. I just feel spacey, it's so sad what a waste. I really should be happy and cooking up a storm in my kitchen but I'm not. And I keep waiting to snap out of it or I say once I hit meno I'll be fine -- I hope so.
NothinforNothin kelly55079
You sound just like me! i could have wrote your response. Not kidding at all! I think I just started to stop my cycle for the first time this week. I say the same things about meno too. Hugs
lori92895 NothinforNothin
I have never really liked my job. But now it seems like I want to run away from it. I wish I could stay at home. I force myself to get up in the morning to go. I work retail which is physically exhausting especially now that the Christmas is upon us. I'm too tired to look for anything else and I don't have the mental capability to write up a resume anyway. I can't even remember to get on the computer and look up "how to for resumes" let alone write one.
I work for my dog mostly. She is 11 years old, I love her very much as she has taken place of children in my life.
Sometimes with work I sit in the car when I get there and think "I'll just call in and go the movies instead". But I never have done that. I guess it's from school days and knowing how wrong it would be to skip school. I want to so bad skip work. I called in one day because I had a slight migraine which I had taken medicine for and was beginning to feel better. I felt guilty for that. I really want to call in for no reason though. I have to try to focus on things like food for my dog, medicine for my dog, a new dog bowl for my dog. That's what pulls me in. If something ever happens to her I will quit though. Maybe I can stay at home and write that book I've always been wanting to write.
ImagineOneDay NothinforNothin
I am very badly having the same symptoms. Can't say I am dealing with it since I feel I am not dealing or coping well. It is AWFUL for me. I feel I am in VEGETATION LIFE and can't get out of it! It sucks
NothinforNothin ImagineOneDay
Yes,! VEGETATION LIFE. It's so frustrating when your talking with someone and you can't follow along or it takes very long to comprehend what they are saying. I've been with my boyfriend for a very long time and we will talk and I'm like thinking to myself the entire time. Why can't I just absorb what you are saying! He's very supportive. I do think some people just don't understand why it's so hard just to do what you need to do while in this state. It really makes me angry when I hear someone who's gone through it and is like. You just need to get on with it. That person apparently does not understand how debilitating this can be in it's severest form. My brain, body - everything shut down on me. It's been hell almost going on a year but, things are slowly calming down and because I do see improvements it gives me hope that eventually this will end. That wasn't the case when it initially hit though. Hang in there! I feel your pain ❤️