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Hi so upset and stressed to the max. My boyfriend was giving me £30 a week for council tax and I was forgetting to pay for it. So I set up a stranding order with bailiffs for £25 a week to pay everything was ok. Didn't here from them. Then next news bailiffs at our door say there want the full £955. We couldn't get that much together.
we got £700 and he say he will not accept that and he's coming again to take my things. So I've not bin a sleep for over 24hrs. So went to C.A.B TODAY and there said just go pay that £700 and let them come because nothing can be done because I've played so much. Stress is not good for me in so much pain at the moment. So for the rant !!
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Carinaeta kelly0509
kelly0509 Carinaeta
Carinaeta kelly0509
We continue our 'Good, Bad and the Ugly' series with a look at bailiffs. And boy are they ugly.
There are different types of bailiffs. In England and Wales they've previously been known as bailiffs and sheriffs, and in Scotland as sheriffs and messengers-at-arms. The one that visits you depends on what type of debt you have.
However, all these officers have new names now, in a transparent attempt to distance themselves from their bad reputations. Scottish officers are all now called Judicial Officers and the officers in England and Wales are called Enforcement Officers. And so they'll remain until people catch on. Then they'll probably be known as EATHTPWTOs (pronounced Eeth-ter-pwat-toes): Ethical Assistants That Help The Public With Their Obligations.
But let's just call them bailiffs. So what can they do to you? I'll answer that with help from debt expert SON1C, from our Dealing with Debt discussion board.
If your creditor sends a representative to your door
It's important to distinguish between a bailiff, who has authority from the court, and a creditor's representative or debt collector, who doesn't. (A 'creditor' is a person, company or council that you owe money to.)
If you have a visitor, ask to see their ID and their warrant from the court. Only a bailiff will have a warrant. If it's merely a company representative or debt collector, SON1C's sound guidance is:
'Keep your cool and don't panic, you do not have to discuss the matter with them and they do not have a right of entry to your home. Tell them you have made your position clear and that you do not wish to discuss it any further. If they won't take no for an answer, tell them that you have asked them to leave and if they remain then they are trespassing and you will call the police. If they remain, do so.'
This time it is a bailiff at the door. What can they do?
If your creditor gets a court order, the judge can authorise bailiffs to visit and attempt to collect the debt. (In Scotland, a judge doesn't need to authorise bailiff visits for council debts.) You will know if you can expect bailiffs, because you should have received notice in writing.
Further advice from SON1C is:
'Contrary to popular belief, most bailiffs are reasonable, they just want to get the job done and they don't bear you any personal malice. If they call and you are not in, they will generally leave you a letter to say they have been and will leave you a number to call them on. You would be best advised to call them and try to make an arrangement to pay the debt, they will always generally listen to any proposal that you make, but don't mess them about.'
What can they take?
Bailiffs can take non-essential items, but they can't take essentials such as your oven, fridge, clothes, most furniture and tools of trade. They can take possessions outside your home, such as your car, garden furniture and shed contents.
Can they force their way in?
The basic rule is:
'Unless the debt that you owe is a Crown debt (a fine or council tax), a bailiff does not have a right to force entry.'
However, there are exceptions. If you're behind with your rent or mortgage payments, your landlord or mortgage lender may get a court order to evict you. In this situation, the bailiffs are allowed to break into your home.
SON1C also points out:
'You do not have to let them in and whatever you do, do not fall for the "well OK, if you just sign this to say I can't come in, I'll go" trick.
'What they will be asking you to sign is a walking possession order. Warning: If you sign this, then they can return at a later time and they can force entry then. The best way to deal with enforcement officers is to be polite but firm. My advice in this situation is: Make an offer of payment if you can afford to (it doesn't matter if this is only a couple of pounds per month) Do not let them in and Do not sign anything'
More dirty tricks
Experiences reported by our board users include bailiffs:
Peering through windows to log your possessions
Entering through open windows and unlocked doors, and scaling walls
Taking vehicles
Attempting to 'befriend' you, or asking to borrow your phone
If you get a court summons, always attend to get your case across. If you've made a reasonable offer within your means and kept written evidence of this, the judge may even reduce what you have offered to penalise the creditor for wasting the court's time.
These are all tricks to gain entry. Once inside, they can force their way into the home next time they visit.
What you should do
Contact your creditors before bailiffs get involved, if possible. Offer them something, but not more than you can afford, regardless of how little that is. Always follow-up phone calls with your offer in writing.
Don't answer the door to bailiffs. Ask them to leave their card and say you will make an offer in writing.
Keep your curtains and windows shut, and your car parked away from your property.
If you get a court summons, always attend to get your case across. If you've made a reasonable offer within your means and kept written evidence of this, the judge may even reduce what you have offered to penalise the creditor for wasting the court's time.
Useful resources: see SON1C's excellent website. Read our guide: How To Get Out Of Debt. And talk anonymously to SON1C and other knowledgeable Fools on our Dealing with Debt board.
kelly0509 Carinaeta
christine26761 kelly0509