Brain fog

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please can anyone give examples of what they mean by this..?  I would like to know if it's the same thing, thanks.

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    Hi Bubbins,

    - fogertfulness;

     - starting several tings at the same time; 

    - feeling spaced or zoned out; 

    - difficulty focusing/concentrating.

    This is me. I'm sure you're going to get a lot more experiences. 

    Take care. T.


  • Posted

    I hadn't come across this phrase before reading these threads but what is happening with me is:

    Forgetfulness - even to the extent that names of people I interact with pretty regularly, words escaping me when I'm in the middle of speaking.  I am 54 and I was convinced it was early onset of alziehmers.  And I am not convinced this isnt the case, but reading people's experience of brain fog  gives me some hope that it might be that.  Difficulty concentrating, taking longer to process information / thinking.  Indecisiveness and difficulty retaining information, getting blocks about certain simple tasks- stupidly putting things off (like paying parking fine) as a result, massive loss in confidence. These are all classic symptoms of stress too so again, I find it difficult to know if menopause is driving them, something else or a combination,

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    At the time my mother-in-law assured me my memory would return, and it was good practice for later in life if the memory leaves again. She was so right.

    1. Spaced out forgetfulness to the point of being able to write reports for my work, but not having a clue whether I'd submitted them or not. Had to rely on computer to see if I had printed them out and depend on that as if I 'knew' I'd completed the task.

    2. No ability to trace where I put keys, reports, glasses, absolutely none. Learned to put each item in "Its Place" everytime, or forgetaboutit.

    3. This was accompanied by extreme fatigue and depression which I could not decipher, one from the other. LIteral awareness of using will power to literally put one foot in front of the other just to try to get across the livingroom.

    These symptoms abated in time. Was surprised by good results of HRT and also low dose over the counter potassium pills (K+.)  And lots of other supplements, vitamins, etc. But the potassium seemed really helpful for energy. Even after taking K+ for 4 years, blood levels were in the middle of normal range, not high.

    Hope you'll let us all know how you're doing and if everyone's symptoms resemble what you're going through.  Thanks for posting here -- it gives us all a place to put these thoughts and to connect.

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    I felt it hard to focus on anything and it felt like i was thinking of things to do all at the same time it soon passed this feeling x
  • Posted

    For me brain fog is more than lack of concentration, forgetfulness etc. I get all those but brain fog is a feeling inside your head like your brain is half asleep and you cant think clearly. Its weird.truly like theres something inside your brain like fog!
  • Posted

    Thanks for all your replies.  It's interesting to know how this affects others.  I think mine is a bit different.  I don't forget people's names,but do forget things I've done a minute previously, like switching off a plug or taking a tablet or putting my contact lenses in!  Neither do I have difficulty in concentrating, but do feel spaced out a lot of the time and  just plain weird.  Confusion is a big thing, even to the point where I'm in one place and for whatever reason it ally looks or feels like a different place.  Hard to explain but quite scarey.  Even looking outside my front door sometimes everything looks a bit different.  again hard to explain.  More flashbacks to childhood, some quite vivid dreams etc.  Had brain scan and still being investigated, I have to see an endocrinologist anyway every 6 months for a different problem.  Asked him if it could be hormones and he flatly denied it ..."if you are still getting regular periods then hormones should be fine".  I think GP more inclined to think it's stress, but I swear it's something biological, came on suddenly 10 months ago without warning and hasn't gone away.  has been a living hell 😥.  Anyways, I guess time will tell.  Chin up everyone.  Oh to be a woman....! 😳
    • Posted

      Strange you said about how places look different, i use to get this when i was younger but occasionally can still get it now it is a wierd feeling isnt it, you know the place but sometimes it is like looking at it through someone else x
  • Posted

    It's not so much looking at it as though through someone else, more jumping at familiarity.  In other words, if there is something about the place that reminds me of somewhere else, it's like I am in that place.  Like the other day, just because the bend in the road was the same as a bend in the road somewhere else it felt like I was back in that other place.  And it feels really real.  I mean REALLY real.  Very disconcerting 😪

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