Brain fog

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Hi girls, does anyone really know what Brain Fog is.

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11 Replies

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    My doctor said it was the results of a drop in estrogen. But I would be interested in a more detailed answer for sure!
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    brain fog is when you stop at green lights...go through red lights...forget where you are and why you came in to town anyway, so you go back home and decide a nice long nap might make you feel better.  At least in my experience. And you don't always feel better after the fact, sometimes you don't feel better for a whole week or two...but then it gets replaced by something worse  :P

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      Spoken like a true sufferer!!! Can I add that it's also when you pick up a small palm held torch from the key rack and wonder why pointing it at you car doesn't unlock it?? Or, instead of writing 2017 at the start of the year you consistently write 2012?? Or when you fill the dishwasher and put in the tablet before you go to work and come home to find you never turned it on?? I could go on and on - but then you'd all think I had dementia and not brain fog!!!!

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    Female brains are very sensitive to estrogen.  When our estrogen drops our brains notice the difference.  This s where women get into forgetting words, have difficulty remembering simple things like phone numbers, and feeling very spacey.  Often women will "feel blue" and are prone to crying, all brain effects of low estrogen.

    Uncomfortable and scary to say the least.


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      Gailannie--what you wrote could be the jacket blurb on my autobiography. biggrin 

      Today I am feeling very spacey and forgetful.  Yet when I remember what is going on in my life, sad and weeping. I am yawning but I know I won't sleep.  I am so out of it, I worry about driving to work tomorrow. I am worried that when I get there, I will embarass myself. Or leave so much work undone it wasn't worth going at all. This is the worst part for me. 

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    Hope it will help find surprising relief! 😉

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    I agree with forgetfulness as brain fog but I more agree with the spacey feeling like being in a true fog, for me anyway. It's a horrible feeling and I could just cry. Sometimes it lasts only a while , other times it's a couple days sad

    I've yet to find any concrete definition for this experience! It's just weird sad

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      Oh also , I start to question my actual vision when I'm in this fog lol... I literally lift my glasses off to see if it makes a difference!!??

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    I think mine is getting worse,but may be tied in with hypoglycaemia which I'm going to get tested for.I don't know rolleyesA week before my last period I got hungry,thinking slowed down,started feeling awkward in public,shaky and drove to get something to eat ..and almost had an accident as my judgment was affected.

      I'd love to feel alive and living in the moment to the full rather than "getting around in a coma' .Ar present it is hot weather here and I feel like a slug .

       I'm going to Google those 10 brain foods for starters smile

  • Posted

    Has anyone tried soy isoflavones or evening primrose for their brain fog? I ordered both. I started taking a 10mcg birth control pill yesterday. And since, after 2 days, I am not feeling like I did when I was 35, clearly I need to try something else. biggrin

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