brain fog

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ive had mono for about three months now and i tried working out, but that just brought me a few steps back. I was feeling good enough to go but i think i pushed it trying to go three days this week. anyways ive had slight brainfog for the past month and Im just wondering if this goes away. and also when do I know im good to workout again. I heard you should wait till your 100% and then give it 2 more weeks.

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4 Replies

  • Edited

    You have to rest Mike! Each time you try and push through this virus you will relapse and have more symptoms. Your body needs rest. Brain frog is something you will have until you recover fully from what i have been told and this could take months. Please just rest. Easier said than done as i struggle with it too. Wishing you healing


    • Posted

      Thank you Jay. Its been hard for me because I am someone who goes to the gym 5-6 times a week for about an hour and a half. Now for almost 3 months I havent been able to go. I was even feeling 90% physically when i went. My plan is to wait till my school year ends (May 1st) to go back. Im hoping i can get to 100% and then wait it out about two more weeks before i go back. Its just insane how long this takes to go away even for someone whos healthy. It feels like it will never end at times.

    • Posted

      I know its so hard to not be able to do something that you love. This virus has a way of humbling us. I've never been the type to truly sit still or with myself before this virus. Its awful but you will be able to work out again.. just give yourself this time to recover. The gym will always be there. I know it does feel like it never ends I've been in this storm for 8-9 months now. This virus still beats me down at times more than ever recently. Hang on! You got this.


  • Posted

    Hi Mike!

    yes, for me it was simply just pushing myself too far with grocery shopping and cleaning that made my symptoms come back for a week. your body absolutely tells you what it can handle. i think this virus is so much for the immune system to handle that any extra stress tips it over. i think your plan to wait till May 1st is a good one! I personally struggle because mentally i dont feel sick anymore(except for headaches) but my body rejects any type of physical activity so i understand the frustration!

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