Brain tumor? I'm scared.
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Hi all. My health anxiety is extremely bad now. I'm seeing a Ear Neck & Head specialist Friday and I'm scared they will find a brain tumor. I've made the mistake of looking on Google too much. I've had balance issues for a little over two years now that have come and went, and some weird feelings in my scalp like nerves moving. I may be overreacting but I got so scared just at the thought of having a brain tumor that I started crying the other day. My symptoms haven't really gotten that much worse over the years, and my balance problems haven't caused any falls or anything. But I'm just scared. I can't go out or do anything. I can't even go to the store. Because certain things trigger it. Maybe I have anxiety? Are brain tumor symptoms worse than this? Would it have killed me by now? Thank you. 😦
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michelle70460 sky87001
Hi. Please try & relax. This just sounds like good old fashioned health anxiety. The disturbances in your balance could simply be due to abit of an infection but could also be attributed to health anxiety. As for the feeling in your scalp, that one i'm almost certain is due to anxiety. Depending on where in the brain the tumour is they often cause other problems such as nausea, vomiting & headaches as the tumour grows (especially in the mornings) & the headache often eases as the day goes on. By all means get it checked out to be safe but i think it will ve for peace of mind more than anything. STAY away from google, it's people's worst enemy especially for health anxiety sufferers. NOTHING can replace your real doctor. Good luck. You'll be fine.
charlie47145 sky87001
as one who suffers anxiety id chalk it down to just that... anxiety, im sure if you had a tumor you condition would surely worsen. the problem with anxiety and health anxiety in particular is it acts like a placebo on your body, see it believe it, receive it. youre so scared of of having a tumor that your anxiety feeds off it and displays the symptoms of a tumor when your having a particularly more anxious time. i for example am mainly fine but have social anxiety in big or important social situations, i worry about embarrassing myself so what does my body do? it starts feeling nauseous and lightheaded, its mind over matter and with more knowledge on anxiety you'll be able to manage it a lot better. Good luck on your appointment and if its not the worse case scenario then id 100% see someone about anxiety.
kris11713 charlie47145
Sky8 You surely have Anxiety (My son is so bad it's a social phobia.) I've also learned I can really get myself worked into a tizzy (or heart attack!) looking up symptoms and diseases .. i get out my Medical Dictionary, my lab tests ... I didn't have any of that stuff. I still have symptoms but live w/ it. Advise you get a good long novel and engross yourself in other people's problems. better yet, a true story!
I want to talk about anxiety with all of you. My 45 yr old son is a True case of Social Anxiety and after Community Mental Health just closed its doors, he worries, now, how does he get Xanax? Seems All Doctors are Brainwashed lately that Everybody is an Addict. I could tell you stories on Doctors, some even kind a funny. But I need help for Son. Do any natural foods help? Is Xanax that bad, or unique? is there another group for social phobia or about Doctors' Panic ! ha! I mean about everybody's addictions!
erin15778 sky87001
hey there sky! try to take a deep breath. I know its really scary to have your body doing things that you don't understand, but as far as it being caused by an issue as serious as a brain tumor after 2 years is nearly impossible. You are right in your guess that you wouldn't be around to be typing this if that were the problem, if you can take any comfort in that! Or, as another commenter has said, you would have noticed many more troubling symptoms by now.
There are different types of brain tumors and deadly ones cause a very obvious and rapid decline in your health that would involve intense headaches, nausea and vomiting, seizures, and double vision amongst other things within weeks or months. Unless you treat them with surgery or chemo, you couldnt survive with one past a couple months or so. At two years since the onset of your symptoms without any further progression, you're definitely out of the woods!
You also mentioned your symptoms seem to come and go. Health issues caused by something serious don't come and go for many years, they would just continue to get worse. Again, you would be aware of other symptoms or drastic worsening of your current symptoms if there was anything to be worried about. Not that having balance issues isn't hard to deal with, but you can at least rest easy that nothing more scary than that is going on.
Good luck with the specialist, I am positive that they will be able to help you with your balance disorder and that you will get some quality of life back...and that you dont have to worry about brain tumors! 😃
wendy94366 sky87001
hi sky i have had off balance issues for 12 months some days worse than others, i'm 55 and postmenopausal had tests and came back fine i put it down to my hormones as i'm not on hrt i also have headaches which come and go to
kim12266 sky87001
alot of balance problems are linked to issues concerning the ear u should have your ears checked to rule that possibility out i dont think the issue is a brain tumor as that has many symptoms alongside it usually drives people to go to the hospital as symptoms are that bad so try to relax a bit and see if u can see someone for your anxiety and to try find out wat the cause is