Brain tumour anxiety please someone help
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Hey everyone i'm Josh and i'm a 17 year old male, and i have been so scared, stressed and anxious about having a brain tumour, here is why. I have had a what i can only describe as a tension headache for 4 weeks straight, medicine does relive the pain but it comes back, the pain isn't very bad at all on a scale i would rate it a 4/10, it hurts around my temples, dull aching on the forehead, and sharp pains near the back of the head, so all over. the reason i think i have been getting this headache is because i spend nearly most of me day on the computer playing games, and if i'm not on my computer i'm on my phone.
Anyway here is the Symptoms i am worried about, sometimes, not all the time i wake up feeling sick, especially if i have been stressed or anxious the night before and this gets me so worried because i think i have a brain tumour although the feeling sick goes away with some deep breaths and me walking around the house, i have not been sick and don't feel like i will, I can still do exercise and that helps me a lot because i am not constantly thinking about it, another symptom i have is some muscle spasms in sometimes my legs but not very often only when i am stressed out, one other symptom i have is when i cough i get a sharp pain sometimes not all the time though and i'm not sure what this is, i have no other symptoms like i'm completely fine otherwise.
I have been to the doctors, had eye tests,had a blood test and been to the hospital and there is no pressure behind my eyes and i'm till waiting for my result for my blood test. Also in addition i had a MRI 2 years ago and it came back all clear, i am having another scan soon but i am getting so anxious and stressed can someone tell me if these symptoms are a brain tumour or if its just anxiety, also one more thing i have been diagnosed with OCD and anxiety before but i am just really scared, please could someone help me?? also i'm non stop looking up symptoms and its making me worse, i'm not sure if this nausea is a brain tumour or anxiety im so scared please someone help
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StevenRose joshua51805
Hi Josh,
try to calm down a bit and I know thats hard, but really you are making yourself feel worse! trust me, it wont help being on computer or phone all day at all, try to limit yourself a bit each day. They would have had you under more tests quicker if they suspected a brain tumour, so try to calm down, get more fresh air.
They will do another scan I'm sure soon and this will tell them all they need to know.
Good luck Josh and let us know how you get on.
Take care and best wishes
joshua51805 StevenRose
Thank you so much for replying i just cant stop thinking about it i keep thinking i'm going to die and never going to watch my brother grow up i'm so scared, i've had tests on my eyes and they saw no pressure whats so ever but i keep thinking i have one do you think this is a high chance of a brain tumour or just a tension headache with anxiety, i'm also they said i'm a bit short sighted so they are giving me some glasses could this be a reason for these headaches.
I hope you respond
StevenRose joshua51805
This is what I advise OK. First try to calm down a bit, I know its hard, but try. Dont be on computer games and watching your phone all day, this in itself can give you headaches. get out more to get some fresh air, now the weather is improving, and as they have told you, you are short sighted this can be a cause of headaches too.
When is your MRI? You know when they look into your eyes they can very often tell if you have a tumour as they found this with my Dad, so this is all positive news for you.
So, try my ideas see how you get on and let me know OK.
Good luck and best wishes
joshua51805 StevenRose
The MRI is in a few weeks and im so scared they will find something i'm having an awful time atm, i went to the hospital last week and she did tests on me and she told me there isn't anything to worry about and she wants me to have an MRI just so i can put my mind at rest but my mind just keeps saying you have one and im so scared and my anxiety is making it so much worse
StevenRose joshua51805
Nothing is pointing to you having a tumour. If the drs at the hospital had been at all concerned you had one, they would not have let you go. Like she said, the only reason she has ordered an MRI is to put your minnd at rest once and for all.
So, consider what I suggested in my previous post, this will help you no end.
what are your parents saying to you about it?
joshua51805 StevenRose
Thank you
StevenRose joshua51805
joshua51805 StevenRose
StevenRose joshua51805
Message me anytime, if I can help I will.
Take care
joshua51805 StevenRose
StevenRose joshua51805
Take care and dont forget to limit your time on computer games and your phone, get outside more for fresh air.
Let me know how you get on
Take care
joshua51805 StevenRose
Take care
matthew_99397 joshua51805
joshua51805 matthew_99397
its just most of the time im on my own at home so i have no one to talk to so im just stuck with my own thought and i become stressed out because i think i have brain tumour symptoms and all i ever do is keep looking up symptoms and that makes me even more stressed its just so scary for me and ive been to the hospital and they checked me out and did some tests and im having a MRI soon but she said there is nothing to worry about its just that i cant seem to get it out of my head that i have a brain tumour and that im going to die