Brain tumour symptoms? Advice pls
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I have also posted elsewhere in the hope I will find some answers! Here's my story sorry it's a long one just trying to explain these horrid worrying symptoms.
I have never been one for headaches apart from in my last pregnancy.
I started with constant headaches 5 months ago but this co-incided with starting a new drug for anxiety called citalopram. I just put it down to a side effect but rather than it get better after time it has got worse to the point I decided to quite quickly come off the tablets after 4 months of these headaches.
The headaches are like a heavy head/dull pressure type pain. Its over whole head but worst behind eyes. It felt alot like eye strain.
After coming off the tablets headaches are even worse I thought due to withdrawal symptoms but its now four weeks after stopping.
I also have an awful stiff neck and pain into lower skull. Lower back pain, flashes of sudden dizziness especially when moving my eyes.
I have this headache 24/7 it never goes not even with extra strong pain killers.
It is worse at night and in morning and when I wake and turn on side I feel really nauseous.
I have bad brain fog feeling like I can't get on with anything and trouble looking after two demanding young kids as I am in constant pain.
Has anyone else suffered these same symptoms, constant headache, head pressure, nausea and dizziness?
I'm so scared that there is something not right and have been to the doctors who are going to refer me to neurologist. However my hospital is under staffed and have been told waiting list could be over 6 months they are not even sure if they are taking on new patients. sad
So not sure where this leaves me?
From a v scared mummy sad
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michellemybell lucylu66
Hi lucy
I used to get headcues after headaches day in day out and like u convinced myself I had a brain tumour..
I had that heavy foggy feeling too
I was lucky I had a brain scan quite quickly.
Here's wgat the neurologist told me
1 typically brain tumours don't cause headaches
2 braintumours cause u to drop things trip up speak funny.
Which I didn't have none of but what I did have was the sane as u worry and stress.
I'm still a massive worrier.
Get your eyes tested asap and try not to worry I know that's easier said than done cos I can't do it myself.
I know exactly how you feel 😓
But I'm quite sure u will b ok xxx
If u need a chat I'm akwats about x
lucylu66 michellemybell
Aw thank you so much for your reassuring words I am not falling over or dropping stuff so thats good!
I just wish I could get some answers from doctor or a scan asap to put my mind at rest. I have had eyes tested and am being reffered to eye hospital I have a stigmatism in one eye and need glasses now for close work. The headache feels like inflamation almost? Like something not right in head I don't have any colds but I did have what I thought was bad hayfever around the time the headaches started and ended up with sinusitis. I have never had that before wonder if it could have left me with these headaches although doesn't feel as though its coming from there.
When I went to doctors she said I had a very slight raised temperature.
Did you find out what caused yours?
cindy60904 lucylu66
lucylu66 cindy60904
Thanks Cindy
Yes I have never worn glasses had eye test. The man took pic of back of eye he thought optic nerve was bulging but then said he thought it was due to nerve having to fit through a narrow channel. I am being reffered to an eye hospital to check my eyes due to headaches.
At this eye test I was told I do need glasses for close work but wasn't essential. I'm wondering if connected to a neck prob too as neck muscles v tight I had a treatment done yesterday called atlas profilax.
It's to help the muscles snd atlas bone at base of skull incase out of line.
I still have this blasted headache and wake up without lifting head off pillow and get instant nausea. x
mike09523 lucylu66
Hi lucylu66,
If you cannot wait for an nhs appointment to see a neurologist can you afford to have a private consultation. They will see you quicker and if you do need follow up treatment then you can go back on nhs for th
at. At least then you won't have the stress of waiting.