Brain zaps when starting Zoloft 25 mg??

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hi everyone

im hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. i started taking zoloft 25 mg, for the first time in my life, 4 days ago and was advised by my dr to supplement with .25 mg of clonazepam at night. the side effects are unbearable for me, insomnia, agitation, foggy brain and inability to concentrate in the morning not to mention short term memory loss in the morning. i have also been experiencing brain zaps for 2 nights now and with my dr we decided i will stop cold turkey as i havent used it that long. he said the brain zaps are a sign the zoloft is working BUT everywhere i have researched it is a sign of withdrawal! needless to say im confused, worried, and hoping i will improve after stopping. we will manage my anxiety and mild depression short term with bromazepam. any advice on the brain zaps and possible withdrawal after 4 days would be very much appreciated! thanks for reading.

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4 Replies

  • Posted


    i had similar side effects when i was on it and had to go cold turkey as side effects got so bad. Bad decision! I have been having withdrawal symptoms for 4 weeks now including the zaps, both when i was on Sertraline and now I'm off them. Fingers crossed today i had my least zaps but this has been replaced with awful nausea. Also had an issue with itching for 2 weeks. Now GP has given me beta blockers to see if this helps lower the adrenaline levels hopefully reducing physical symptoms which im planning on starting tomorrow. I'm shocked by both the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of Sertraline so am trying to avoid theses kind of meds in future.

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your reply, I am happy to know I am not the only one experiencing this odd side effect. How long were you on sertraline and how many mg before you went cold turkey and started experiencing side effects?

      Appreciate the insight.

    • Posted


      I was surprised both by the impact of the side effects and the withdrawal symptoms as i was only taking 25mg got 5 weeks then went up to 50mg for a couple of days and bang a roller coaster of side effects. What didn't help was they changed the brand of Sertraline which I reacted with, hence going cold turkey. So had 5 weeks of side effects and now in week 5 of withdrawal symptoms. Now trying beta lockers to see if they help . Symptoms have reduced but as one goes another seems to come 🤯

    • Posted

      thank you again for your reply! i truly hope you feel better soon! i am also considering beta blockers for my anxiety and therefore high heart rate to wean off bromazepam.


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