Breast Lump - Fibroadenoma

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Hi im a 26 year old female.2 years ago i was detected with a fibroadenoma measuring 2.6 x 1.7 x 0.9 cm in my left breast. Four months later i got another one measuring 0.5 x 0.2 cm in the right breast and the ultrasound said my breasts are fiborous in composition. I got the FNAC done which confirmed that they were completely benign. I consulted a breast specialist who suggested me to have a surgurey before i get married ( and at that time i was planning to get married ) as the fibroadenoma might cause problem during pregnancy. But my marriage took a long time and i got married 3 months ago. So i would want to know what do i do with the two lumps now? As in they are intact from the past two years and are not causing any problem. Also i would like to know are they problematic during pregnancy ? If yes then what kind of problems? Also is it necessary to have them surgically removed now as im planning to have a baby?

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    Personally I would not worry about benign breast lumbs as most women have them. I can't see the reason for having surgery if it is not really necessary.

    I had a lump removed when I was 21. They removed it because they were not sure if it was cancer . I lived in Germany at the time and they did not take any risks but removed the lump. It was benign. I married and had children and breast-fed them. Over the years I had many breast lumbs which were benign.

    At age 61 I got breast cancer. It was just a tiny hard lump right beside the nipple, the size of a grain of rice. It felt almost like a tiny dot of cartilege and I knew straight away it was cancer because it felt so different.

    I had a lumpectomy to get it removed, but 10 month later it was back, because the surgeon did not leave the margin big enough.

    I had done a lot of research since the lumpectomy and decided to treat it myself with natural medicine and a change of life style, backed up by great faith

    . Even so I was warned that I would die if I had no treatment I did not die. At no time I felt or looked sick. My oncologist was surprised about the slow growth of the tumor. When I finally, after years, decided to have a mastectomy, because I had enough of watching the 'lump' and being concerned about it the 'invasive carcenoma' it had invaded nothing and the lymph nodes all showed up clear. I was declared cancer free.

    I am not suggesting that you, or anyone else does what I have done, just do your homework, listen to your body, your 'inner voice' and intuition and don't be scared or let yourself be scared into treatment that is not necessary .

    All the best!

  • Posted

    Hi mamg,

    I have had two fibroadenomas out one was 3cmx3cmx4cm and the other was 3x3x2.7cm they both caused me pain which is why they were surgically removed. I have A Lot of fibroadenomas in both breast but they aren't painful or suspicious of being something more sinister so there is no need to have surgery for them, they are harmless. Whoever told you that you would need them removed before u get pregnant doesn't know what they are on about. They will not cause u any problems. In general the problems can be sore and tender before or during ur period. They can always grow in size and they can always give pain later down the track which may then need to be removed (like mine) whether your hormones have any effect on the during pregnancy or not, your breasts are going to be extremely sore throughout the pregnancy itself when they are changing and developing.

    I wouldn't worry about it at all and Goodluck with having a baby such an exciting part of life!

  • Posted

    Hi there

    Just to fill you in -

    I had a fibroadenoma removed over 30 years ago, when I was 22.  I had no problems with it after that.

    Last year I was diagnosed with two breast cancers, one detected on my first routine mammogram, and the other from the breast tissue removed sugically.

    During the pre-op investigations, the radiologist was concerned about some abnormal tissue that he found on ultrasound, which was found to be a remnant of the original fibroadenoma.  Both cancers were removed, but the surgeon let the benign fibroadenoma remains alone.

    Yours is a difficult decision, isn't it?  I was first treated in an era when it was said that 'no woman should be allowed to have a lump in her breast'.  However, since then the surgical treatment for fibroadenomas, and also for breast cancers has become much less extensive.

    Firstly, I would take the advice from a doctor or surgeon that you really trust.

    Also, since they are proven to be benign, and are not causing problems at the moment, it could be argued that they should be left well alone - and yet if it worries you that they are there, then it might be better for your peace of mind to have them removed, so that you can forget about them.

    If you go to [url=http://www.breastcancercare,org,uk]www.breastcancercare,org,uk there is information about changes in fibroadenomas during pregnancy.  From what I read the only problem is that they tend to enlarge, but may get smaller again after the pregnancy.  I found this organisation very helpful throughout my treatment last year, and there is a helpline - the people answering the phone are really kind and well informed. 

    Congratulations on your marriage. I hope you find a solution to your fibroadenoma problem that allows you to have a happy, healthy life.  xx

  • Posted

    Fibroadenomas can be very painful before your periods and during pregnancy..truly miserable so consider yourself and the ladies below lucky that you haven't experience this monthly. Also, if it is close to your nipple, milk ducts it would turn into a problem and a painful one at that, so I believe your doctor does know what he is talking about

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