Breast Pain

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Good day to all,

Are there any of you also experiencing breast pain, and or as if something is crawling on you?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes. Last year I had that, it would shift from one breast to another and the crawling sensations too. (I have that on my scalp atm for several months).

    I did have a mammogram and ultrasound which picked up a benign lump  in my left breast (had a biopsy to make sure).  From what I read it isn't uncommon for women to get breast pain though.


    • Posted

      Thank you. You're right it switches from one to the other. Also it feels like they are irritated.

  • Posted

    Yes had breast pain nearly all my life, tired alsorts, I think diet has alot to do with it
  • Posted

    Yes Marjorie.  Especially when my periods started getting wonky in the beginning.  It has eased now.  I still have it occasionally though.  No crawling sensations though
    • Posted

      Thank you for your response. I was thinking of all the bad possible senerioes.

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