Breast pain

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My anxiety is starting to heat up here. It's not necessarily a new symptom. If I had to guess I'd say it's been a couple of years of this, and it's not constant, but I have pain (feels like bruising almost)in my left breast (maybe in the right but rarely, and I'm not positive it's the same) mostly on the outer side. Sometimes it's also incredibly itchy (this also can happen on the right from time to time too) - like the kind of itchy that's inside and hard to satisfy with scratching. I have yearly mammograms and do a self check from time to time and hadn't been too worried until recently when I caught part of an article saying that both pain and itchiness can be signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Now I'm wondering if this is really as benign a symptom as I'd thought.

Does anyone else experience similar pain and/or itchiness as a result of perimenopause? I'm 52 and have never actually missed a period, though twice now I've been 2 weeks late and I do have night sweats maybe one or two days a month and have done so for the last year. I have some crazy mood swings and feel sometimes like I've got PMS for 2-3 weeks a month, sometimes interrupted by moments of near-euphoria. So I'm sure I'm in that zone, just wanting to hear if others have had this breast issue so that I can calm down again.

Thanks in advance!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Surprisingly at this moment am having issues ad well . The anxiety comes on especially now after a period which makes it worse. Its a pulling feeling for me but i do have itchy body.

    You are not alone .

    Take care.

  • Edited

    i have had bad off and on breast pain only in my left breast since peri started. in the beginning the breast pain was almost constant for months and yes itching. had 3D MAMMO and ultrasound and was all clear. these symptoms are not necessarily something ominous although of course our minds go there


  • Posted

    going thru this right now. the itchy under arm on the left side. the bruising on the inside and the constant left should pain.

    I going to try laying of the coffee for a bit and see if it will help, you are not alone

  • Posted

    I just went through this. My periods ended Oct 2017. I am 50. Mine was in my right breast muscle.. Sometimes both but I have had the outside pain. I went to the ER because I was so worried and even though I had an appt. with the Nurse Practitioner the next day. They did an x ray, EKG, and a CBC blood work. Said it was all good and sent me on my way. I went to my appt. to get a referral for my annual mammogram. I told The NP that I had breast pain and she did a breast exam felt nothing amiss. Sent in an order for a 3D mammogram and an ultrasound. The mammogram was clear so there wasn't any need for the ultrasound. My pain had subsided. After what felt like a deep tissue breast exam at my mammo appt and then the mammo. My breast pain/ache came back. My left breast started bothering me. I have had the itchy in the past but mine was under my breast and sometimes a nipple would itch insanely.. I used hydrocortizone and it helped. I haven't had the itching lately, thank god.

    I have read that breast pain isn't a symptom of breast cancer and asked at my mammogram. Was told that it isn't impossible but yes it is rare that breast pain means breast cancer.

    If your pain isn't constant and you have had it in the past it sounds like a normal symptom for you. Especially if you are still having regular periods. Peri was absolute hell for me. After my periods stopped my symptoms aren't as bad and I hope they will lesson as time goes by.

    But I do get menopause symptoms.

    If you haven't had your annual mammogram, maybe that would help ease your fears.

  • Posted

    I am so glad you all are posting this discussion. I am currently going through this and it is in my left breast too, don't know what the significance of that is but I have been going mad with worrying. First thing I think is breast cancer but ultrasound and breast sonogram are clear. Then I start to think it's my heart. Then I think it's heartburn related. I have an appointment on Tuesday so I will relay all this to my doctor. But it has to be peri related if we're all going through this.

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