Breast Pain anyone??
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Greetings ladies! I was just wondering if anyone has experienced breast pain. Yesterday I had a dull pain in my right breast almost the entire day. By the end of the day it also felt like under my arm was a bit swollen, but really couldn't tell for sure becasue it didnt look much different. I can't feel any sort of lumps or mass(im sort of lumpy/bumpy anyway though) and my 3D mammogram in April was normal, although I have dense breast tissue. It seems a bit better this morning, but now the other side is a bit achy too. No period since March....If i get one this far in I'll be depressed!!. I just want this whole menopause thing to be over with!!! Thanks for hearing me out. Its been a stressful couple of weeks with my DH being diagnosed with bladder cancer(very treatable though, we are lucky!) now, of course, I have "cancer" on my mind there's that. and of course, I leave for a 2 week vacation times
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Indifferent Wannaflbttr1
Lillioui Indifferent
Oh it's the first time I've heard of that !
Where to you get it ?
lesley26791 Wannaflbttr1
I did have breast pain for a few weeks a couple of years ago. Came out of nowhere, no lumps, bumps of any sort. Only briefly did the pain appear in my other breast. I received a mammogram appointment through the post about two weeks into the pain which was about another month away at the time, as I was turning 48. I went to the docs who suggested I wait for the appointment. It got worse some days, uncomfortable. All was clear following the mammogram, then the pain disappeared a few days later! Bizarre, but frightening at the time. I too was convinced I had cancer. Unfortunately the peri and menopause throw up all sorts of different ailments. Some come, frighten the living daylights out of you , then disappear without trace. A good, positive mental attitude, exercise - even though at times you don't feel like lifting your head from the pillow and diet are key in all of this. I haven't gone down the hrt route, mainly because I had experienced some weird side effects from some anti-depressants I was taking for migraines, along with big mood changes. I'm trying to ride it through. Peri started not long after having my now 15 year old son at 35, though I didn't recognise it at the time. You name it, I've had it. Horrible and still ongoing, though do finally feel as though I'm getting back to my old self, but it has taken a lot of exercise (I did exercise before, but my weight started to creep up), pretty careful eating - virtually nothing bought, mainly homemade, portion size reduced etc and trying (sometimes unsuccessfully) to be positive. Go back to your doctor, explain the situation. If you are not happy, try another one! Don't let it spoil your holiday! X
lynwell14 Wannaflbttr1
2chr2015 Wannaflbttr1
Oh yes!! You sound exactly like me. Please don't feel you are alone in this one. Dense breasts, 3D mammo, Breast pain even under arm. I started taking vitamin e everyday and that does seem to help. I may try the gelatin too. I can tell you that mine seems to be worse when I stress. Mine is usually worse on one side than the other. Hope you find something that helps.
Lillioui Wannaflbttr1
Don't worry like that breast pain are very common.
I've been suffering from that for years.
My last period was in March like yours and no breast pain anymore during 4 months then suddenly one month ago it started again and it's very very painful.
It's hormonal. As long as you have no mass and you check it frequently try to be less woried.
columba84250 Wannaflbttr1