Breast pain “ sever “ for about 4 weeks now!!! Anyone else this long....
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The pain has been through one whole period getting ready to go through the next,,, I know this is a menapause symptom have had a little in peri but nothing like this,,, the nipples also,,,its pure misery they are a breast size bigger! I know I am closer to meno though maybe this is the norm for us suffers once again any experiance with this would like to cut out all caffeine but I only drink it in the morning because Im so tierd from no sleep from constant insomnia and taking new blood beta blockers that have also just happened to me this month,,, tons of side effects from these,, terrible also if you are sensitive to medications most of us on here are...... HUGS TO ALLxxxx
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Keljo48 Beverlys1
Yes I have had breast pain that took me to my doctor on two separate occasions. In Feb I had such breast pain in my right then in my left that lasted 6 weeks plus. I am post menopause almost 2 years now. Nurse Practitioner sent me in for a 3D mammogram and ultrasound. The 3D mammogram was clear and I guess so clear (fatty breasts I guess has some benefits) They felt an ultrasound was unnecessary. It went away on it's own a few weeks later.
Forward to July. Breast pain again. Then a severe pain on my upper right breast sent me to the ER. After EKG, Blood work, CT scan and almost 5 hour in the ER. They said it was most likely costo chondritis. It went away a few weeks later, thank god. But in the interim I had an appointment with NP (I still had left breast pain) she did a breast exam, felt a ridge in my right breast I think she it the chondritis inflammation because it hurt like hell!!! She referred me to a breast surgeon to check out right breast ridge. Breast surgeon said she didn't think it was pathological/no cancer. She said to take vitamin e but becareful because vitamin e is one of those vitamins like K and A that the body can't pee out. Someone on here recommended Evening primrose. I tried this for about two weeks 2 to 3 x a day and breast pain is for the most part gone. I get a twinge here or there but nothing like before. I started taking low dose vitamin e. along with my multivitamin evening primrose and chelated magnesium.
Also estrogen can wreak havoc with breasts. I have elevated estrogen. Estrogen is also stored in fat. I am over weight and my health and pain has scared me into a complete overhaul of my life choices.
I feel your pain, hang in there!
2chr2015 Keljo48
how many mg of vitamin e do you take?
lisa95354 Keljo48
Hey Keljo, chostcondritis causes a lot of pain and so many issues. When you go to the doctor they make it sound like it’s no big deal, that’s because 99% of the doctors are men telling us this. Also you’ll never hear from male doctor, don’t wear underwire bras, take your bra off when you go home etc... i’ve honestly had this condition since like 2007 if not before. when it flares, I stay away from underwire bras and I use castor oil packs. it really is a bugger and it causes such a sharp pain and in a seeious area, our chest, that actually causes several symptoms. that thing is no joke !
2chr2015 lisa95354
lisa, how do the castor oil packs work? (in a nutshell) i dont want to go on another google search right now
Keljo48 2chr2015
I take 200mg a day. That is the lowest dose I could find. E is supposed to be good for the heart. Breast surgeon was awesome. She is mid 40's and she is a subscriber to menopause symptoms. I would have love to have her for my regular Dr. She thumbed up the evening primose and added the vitamin e. She said everybody processes vitamins and meds differently but just be aware it is one of the vitamins your body can't get rid of excess in urine.
I will say I just started adding the vitamin e, so I don't know if it has helped or not. The evening primrose I credit to the relief in breast pain.
Keljo48 lisa95354
Yeah I gave up under wire bras awhile ago. I have skin tags in my armpits from wearing under wire bras for so many years. But once I started having breast issues and chest issues. I gave up under wires and switched to a smaller purse. Costochondritis was so painful I was grunting with the pain. ER gave me iv of anti inflammatory pain med that took about 2 hours to kick in but I felt somewhat human when it did. I am a take the bra off when I walk through the door woman. I only have had it once so far but I have read it though it is not common it can last a year!
sharcerv52408 Beverlys1
Yes I get this too. Actually, I'm going through this right now. Evening Primrose is a Godsend! My first instinct is to panic and think it's my heart. Then once I calm down I realize it could be heartburn referring into the breast muscle too. I have a lot of dense tissue in my breasts so it's sometimes hard to see on a mammogram. I've had to go through repeat imaging just to rule out any thing ominous, thankfully all is okay. But I hate getting any pain in my chest area because it automatically sends me into worse case scenario mode.
lisa95354 Beverlys1
Good Afternoon Beverly, have you ever tried Primrose oil or vitamin E, I know when I had that, Primrose oil helped greatly. try your hardest to stay away from underwire bras and when you get home, take your bra off immediately, bras are actually very unhealthy for us, they clog our lymph nodes so the toxins cannot be eliminated properly. Also here is a good article on breast health. hope you find some relief. oh also Google how to make a castor oil pack, but make sure it’s organic coldpressed castor oil, only the best. take care ! xo
2chr2015 lisa95354
yesss. i stopped wearing underwire when all this started. like i was out of town and had to take a detour to the mall and ive never looked back. vit e helped so i never tried the primrose oil but my breast doctors NP recommended it. I also went to a massage therapist who did lymphatic massage and she focused on my breast area. my doctor laughed (in a nice way) and said i probably paid more for that than he was going to get paid by my insurance. lol sad but true.
Beverlys1 2chr2015
thanks for all your replys girls, very helpful will try the primrose and have tryed e but maybe not long enough... think it may just the transfering to meno from peri but just dont like the thought of inflamation.... but the caffeine and occasional wine could also be to blame but these are kinda my crutch.... oops never really even drank until all this stuff......
Thanks for all your replys girls,,I will try these things primrose oil etc.. have taken e but maybe not long enough... just think its the lovely transition from peri to meno the inflammation just bothers me and my occasional wine and caffiene doesn't help I never even really drank until all this stress that we all go through with this stuff,,, the funny thing is none of my friends have it as bad as all of us go figure... wtf oh well sory if I offended anyone.... hugsxxxx
lisa95354 2chr2015
2chr... A good massage therapist can do wonders 😉