Breast problems
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Hi Ladies, I need some reassurance please as I am panicking right now.
I never used to experience pain in my Breast during my periods, but now almost each month, just before my period is about to start my breasts are quite painful and feel more lumpy, then all gets normal again. Exactly a year ago I had a mammogram and all was fine. This month my right Breast felt painful for couple of days, and I could feel a lump. It's not there now but this morning there was some discharge from my nipple. I had it once about a year ago, that's when I had the mammogram. It's just very tiny and only when I squeeze the nipple. Has anyone experienced this as a part of the changes in breast due to the cycle or peri-menopause? I have quite bad health anxiety around anything to do with breasts so this is really difficult. I keep telling myself that it's happening just at the time of my period starting so it's pro only hormonal, but it's so hard to calm myself. I cannot Google it because I just would find plenty evidence for the worse case scenarios instantly.
I went to the GP who did not seemed to be worried, but I managed to get a referal to Breast clinic in 2 weeks time.
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debra60835 Daisy03
kazzawin1 Daisy03
I am perimenopausal with sporadic periods as well as dreadful feelings of being unwell and afraid constantly. I know the fear, which isn't helped by constant reminders to check ourselves, be aware, question everything....etc etc!!! Necessary I know but scary!! I was diagnosed with severe hormonal changes.
Go to your check up with the knowledge that:
1/ you are being checked quickly and without question
2/ breast cancer doesn't normally present as pain
3/ you have the opportunity to talk to an expert about all your it!
4/ are in good hands.
take care and good luck, 👍🏻
maisie05 Daisy03
Zigangie Daisy03
I've never had a discharge but all through peri breast were heavy and painful with periods.
I'd never noticed before that time that my breasts felt any different with my periods and only time apart from the peri was whist breastfeeding.