Breasts... Long hard vein chord???
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Hi ladies, so my hormones have shifted this week with symptoms of very sore swollen breasts.. They are engorged like when you were pregnant.. However I'm concerned because on my right breast it has a long hard chord like vein running from the areola up the breast.. And not even sure its a vein, but hard and chord like and the size of a skinny coffee straw..Never ever had this before, not even when the boobs were swollen before so its kind of freaking me out with anxiety, I'm trying hard not to Google too much but did a bit and clogged milk duct comes up as well as some other stuff.. Just need some of your reassuring opinions.. Has any of you ever had/have heard of or seen this, without scary me too too bad.. Thanks ladies😰
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lynda20916 Gypsy014
Sorry you're going through this. However, I do think you need to have a doctor check this out. It's only natural to be afraid--but sometimes getting opinions doesn't keep you safe. What if you're developing an infection? xx
Gypsy014 lynda20916
lynda20916 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 lynda20916
columba84250 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 columba84250
Hi columba, no I'm not on any estrogen I had a hysterectomy years ago with ovaries in me still so I feel the shifts in hormones I just have no idea where I'd be at in my cycle which is so frustrating.. One week my symptoms are really weak and dizzy, and I am crying for no reason, next week my face arms head legs are numb and tingling and prickly, and another week I have the migraine from HELL week, but this week I have huge engorged boobs that hurt if anything touches them with that cord now swollen and hard on the one, very strange though, well thanks for your reply I know what you mean about getting into the doctor lots of money.. Well let me know what they say and I will do the same.. ?
sharcerv52408 columba84250
Hi Columba84250,
I was just reading your post. I had my regular mammogram done back in April and there were a lot of issues with the tests this year. I too have very lumpy cystic-like tissues and have had mammograms done on my breasts as young as age 25. The women in my family all have dense breast tissues which makes it hard to see on mammograms. But usually I only have to get one and they are always fine but this year I went somewhere new and didn't have the films from last year's mammo and they kept sending me back to redo because they did not have pictures to compare. First they did a mammogram which did not come out clear so they did a sonogram. The sonogram came back normal. So they wanted another mammogram, why I couldn't tell you. Because if the sonogram which probes deeper was clear then why the second mammogram. So I humored them and went for the mammogram which wasn't clear so they ordered an ultrasound which came back normal. Then they wanted to do a MRI. I subsequently switched back to my previous doctor who did my mammogram last year and will follow up with her. But this has been a nightmare! I was anxiety-ridden thinking something untoward was the case but I think they were just not used to someone with my unique case and were trying to make a case study out of it at the expense of stressing me out.