Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi girls anybody feel they can breath I'm scared of this symptom or maybe it's only me.
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi girls anybody feel they can breath I'm scared of this symptom or maybe it's only me.
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LauraC25 maria76995
maria76995 LauraC25
Not coughing no, today ain't to bad
jacqueline06286 maria76995
paisleygirl maria76995
Hi Maria,being post meno I can say this was my scariest symptom the feeling like you can't breath is so uncomfortable so then u kept trying to take a deep breath and felt like I couldn't complete the breath properly I had all tests done everything was great turned out to be hormone related so I learned to breath with my diaphragm and concentrate on breathing properly...It was explained to me that I was,feeling like I couldn't get a deep breath so the more I tried caused me to be taking in too much oxygen which then makes you feel like you can't breath practice your breathing laying down if possible and you will find that it ends the cycle of feeling like you can't breath ...I still do this from time to time
maria76995 paisleygirl
jacqueline06286 maria76995
I have twice but my biggest problem is pain on my right side of the head in the back and ear I have aches and pains also I feel that my gums and teeth hurt, please let me know if anyone has same or similar symptoms.
God bless you
maria76995 jacqueline06286
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Hi jacqueline, I have the one sided pain in my left side, it comes pretty much every month this month being the worst it's ever been, I've had it all night long, in my left temple it lasts 3 days and it can shoot into my ear and neck area, but for most part in temple.. Last night it turned into a migraine I've been up all night with it and it's still here.. I do know for me I didn't have it last month but do have it every month starting around the 21st of every month.. I don't have much to offer as far as relief but when I get it I'm down for those 3 days it's with me..
juanita93228 jacqueline06286
I've got the gum and teeth thing now. Not every day though. Today my gums feel slightly irritated.
jacqueline06286 juanita93228
Does your teeth feel like you have a tooth ache.
juanita93228 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 juanita93228
Gypsy014 maria76995
Hi maria, I get that to it is very scarey, and cant get that deep breath.. Paislygrl expained it very well, it is all hormones,trapped gas, ,indigestion.. Try and drink some water, or if you can something bubbly while it's happening so you can belch to relieve..
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Hi gypsy
Mine started little over a month ago I started perimenapause about 3 months ago yesterday was bad for me. I'm still getting my periods but in December I had it twice all I can do is pray
juanita93228 maria76995
Yes, this happened to me a few years ago about twice. It was weird. I felt "breathy" or like I wasn't breathing right. Thank God that symptom went away quickly.