breathless and acid

Posted , 9 users are following.

Please ladies does anyone get breathless and tight chest with acid reflux.

I'm freaking out yet again thinking I'm seriously ill.

Been given lansoprazole but not taken it yet.

Health anxiety is through the roof x

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi michelle i sympathise with you as i suffered terribly with health anxiety . The way i got through it was counsellin and learnin relaxation techniques . I realise tryin to breath when anxiety kicks in is nigh on impossible but believe me it works. After sufferin major panic attacks and health anxiety for months continuously i decided couldnt live like that so went on net and found techniques to help me relax. It took all i had and months of lyin on my floorin learnin breathin techniques but im so glad i did as i now dont have anxiety or panic attacks and havent for over year. Hope this helps and u feeo better soon x
    • Posted

      Oh wow really. That's amazing. I do try calming music and breathing but don't think know I'm persistent enough.

      I was on an AD for a year but came off five months ago.

      I don't want to resort to them again!!!!

      You sound like you have really helped yourself.

      I'm going to try harder with the breathing technic.

      I just feel so unwell all the time.

      I've been in peri nine years and it's taking its toll.

      Thank you for taking the time to reply. It helps loads x

    • Posted

      Hi yea it took me a while to make myself relax rather than go into full on panic n anxiety attack but i kept goim and life has improved greatly x had ads to but did nothomg for me so came off them and acid had major sore throats with that and sometimes still do but om the whole life has improved greatly x i got advice from ladies on this site wiout who i probably wudnt have coped x hope u feel bettet soon x
  • Posted

    hiya michelle ,,, yes i do suffer with reflux and chest pains and get out of breath , it scares the wits out of me ,, i stopped smoking last week and still got pains in my chest between my breast bone , i freak out all the time darl , but kowing that there is someone on here that knows what your going through helps alot hun ,,x


    • Posted

      It really does

      I've never smoked so I know it's not that but still scary All the same.

      Hope you are having a better day x

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle o get breathless with that and stress fright I also think something wrong with me too not on your own.

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