Bright red bleeding a week after period
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I just turned forty-five and had abnormal period. A week later I noticed bright red blood when wiping. Now it is strong enough to require a tampon and has lasted three days so far. Is this typical of perimenopause or should I be worried and see a Dr.
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Sorry...first line should read "a normal period"
Tunsc1963 natasha48094
natasha48094 Tunsc1963
Red873 natasha48094
Hi Natasha, I'm 46 now and have been dealing with this sort of thing for several years now on and off. I went to the doctor to be checked over, as all the advice is to do so if you have irregular bleeding, 'just in case'. In my case, I was diagnosed with low progesterone and then, we it happened again last year, referred to the hospital for a scan where they found several small fibroids. I would talk to your doctor - it's most likely just your hormones starting to play up, but best to be sure!
Lotti1966 natasha48094
Definitely make an appt with your Dr. whenever there is bleeding in between periods. It's normal to go longer between periods but they want to know if you bleed in between.
This is the reason I had to have my hysterectomy last year.
May be nothing to worry about but you want to get it checked.