Brittle splitting flaking nails

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Help! The menopause is destroying my nails. Nail strengthening varnish doesn't work at all. Can anyone recommend any vitamins or anything that might improve them?

Thank you

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Reb, there are vitamin supplements specifically for hair and nails but if they are not working because it is menopause causing the problem, not vitamin deficiency, you probably need to be taking a high strength menopause vitamin supplement. Menopace max is but one and my hair and nails are improving with this. I also get my nails silk wrapped at there weakest point, where they join the finger. This works great. I have micro bladed eyebrows and shave off what little hair I do grow, and have a great wig selection. No - one knows, apart from immediate family, that I wear a wig when I go out in public. All these things have resoloutions to them which will help rebuild anyone who is suffering the hair and nails problems confidence! I hope this helps you to feel better as I know how sore constantly breaking nails can be. Before mine were an impressive inch long natural nails. When the change hit, they all broke off one by one, really low down the nail exposing really sore fingers and it affected my touch aswell, making my hands hypersensitive to touching certain things. You are not alone don't ever feel you are. Nearly all of us at the forum have so many symptoms in common. Of course hrt helps a lot too if your symptoms are many or severely debilitating. X

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply and feel quite humbled moaning about my nails when your dealing with far more! I appreciate you taking time to respond.
  • Posted

    This might not be to do with menopause, this is more likely to do with not absorbing the nutrients. Have you had antibiotics lately because this kills gut bacteria which you need to get the most out of the food you are eating. 
    • Posted

      No I havent had any antibiotics, my nails have been this way for 9 months. I eat healthily so I'm just trying to figure if it is the menopause.

      Thank you for your reply smile

  • Posted

    Menopace original have worked wonders especially my nails they're very long and hard now, an added bonus I work in a tea room and my hands are always in water, took about 6 weeks to notice the difference tho and everyone at work commented on them even my toe nails have grown

    • Posted

      Thank you for your recommendation on these. Good to know they worked for you smile
  • Posted

    You are very welcome hun. I agree with one of the other ladies who recommended menopace for you. I take menopace max and they help with a lot of symptoms as they have red clover and all sorts of other goodies in them. Give them a try. I would recommend them to anyone and I have tried numerous meno vitamin supplements and this is the best so far. X

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