Broken Fibula, when can I walk?

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I have fractured (spiral) my fibula 3 weeks ago which didn't require any surgery, just a fibreglass cast which I am to keep for another 3 weeks. I was told not to put any weight on it until the cast comes off but I find I can put some weight on it already with no pain whatsoever. Has anybody started walking while still in a cast and did it delay healing or cause any further problems? 


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    I would advise you to follow your doctors advice or be prepared to suffer the consequences   I hope that you didn't already cause a delay in healing.  The original plan for my broken bone was 4 weeks in a non weight bearing cast then another 4 weeks in a walking cast.  My healing was better than expected so I went directly out of the NWB cast into a boot.  Yes I was so glad to be able to take a normal shower!  Good luck.

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    WOW!! This is exactly me!! I fell down stairs trying to avoid my cat at the top of the stairs and lost my footing, after what seemed like the worst fairground ride of my life. (it was very bumpy and seemed neverending.) I realised something was wrong with my ankle. Long story short, I went to hospital, turns out I had a spiral fracture in my fibula about an inch or 2 above my ankle. They applied a back slab for the swelling, then after 10 days it was replaced with a fibreglass cast to which I was also told that after 3 weeks itt would be removed and I would be given a boot. I have been told I can put slight pressure on my tippy toes in the mean time and to keep wiggling my toes, however, after 5 days in the fibreglass cast I realised I could walk (well, hobble) in it around the house with no crutches. (also no pain) this has made my life so much easier. I've come looking for info on this matter in the hopes I'm not damaging myself further. Apparently we only use the fibula for about 17% of our body weight anyway so I'm hoping, if anything, I might be doing it more good than harm by promoting healing. How is your fracture now Joanne? Did you have any problems through weight bearing too soon?

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    Today has been exactly 6 weeks since I broke my fibula. I was in a back slab for 2 days and then in a fibreglass cast. Three weeks in I found I could walk with minimal pain and though I tried to keep off it, it was just too hard when I have 3 kids to look after on my own. I returned my rented knee-on scooter as it pushed the cast into my leg which actually caused me more pain and I ignored my crutches. Two weeks ago my mammogram lady kicked my leg which hurt like buggery so I had an x-ray as suggested by my doctor. Scans showed my leg was healing fine and there was no displacement. I was due to have my cast removed this coming Tuesday (in 3 days) but rang the hospital and asked if I could have it removed yesterday (Friday) instead (I wanted to be cast free by the weekend). Then on Thursday morning I received a call saying they had a few cancellations and would I like to go in that afternoon to have my cast removed. Um...YES!!

    I was convinced I had delayed my healing by walking 3 weeks before I was supposed to but the x-rays showed my leg was healed. I was given a boot to use for the next few weeks just as support when walking a lot and sent on my way after being told I'd receive an appointment letter for physiotherapy in the mail.

    I cannot tell you how good it feels to be cast free! My ankle is still quite swollen and bruised and hurts more now than it did the last few weeks but that is mainly from stiffness after not moving my ankle all that time and some pain where the actual break was. The boot helps ease that though. I am finding my skin hurts from being so dry but it is already getting better. I started driving cast and boot free Friday morning (after a test drive around the block Thursday afternoon). I will admit I was driving with my cast on for the last couple of weeks after being let down by people who had promised to help me out but it just felt like I was driving with shoes on. The doctor did say that my muscles hadn't deteriorated as much as normal since I had been using them for the last 3 weeks anyway and that it would probably help me walk unaided quicker.

    I am not by any means suggesting people try walking on their broken leg before they are advised to. Life wasn't going to wait for my leg to recover though plus I have always been a quick healer and was lucky once again. 

    Apart from breaking my collar bone when I was 4 or 5, this is the first time I've broken a bone and the first time in a cast of any sort. I do not wish to repeat the experience but I have made it through the longest 6 weeks of my life!


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    Very nice to hear your good news.  Sounds like through this journey you have also learned to identify your true friends.  Keep on moving forward.  It seems like you already have good luck but it doesn't hurt to wish you more.  

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    Thanks for the update Joanne. That all sounds very positive. I'm going to get my cast removed today and hopefully get the boot. LOL. It's started twinging today though at the fracture sight which is weird considering today is my fracture appointment, but I did stub my toe (on my potted leg) which jarred it a bit yesterday so probably just abit sore from that. Anyhoo, gotta go get this ankle seen too. Wish me luck folks. :D

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