Broken wrist

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i have broken my wrist distal radial fracture  it was reset but has now displaced, i have refused the operation does anyone else have this problem that can advise me please i also have  a bit of numbnessin my little finger  it feels like anasthetic is wearing off,

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Why have you refused the surgery? I can't advise as my distal radius fracture wasn't displaced but think I would have had the surgery if I had needed it.

    • Posted

      Because i go away on holiday  plus he said i still may not have full use aswell  they wanted to do it now  because its 10 days old and easier  but this holiday is my belated honeymoon and we have worked hard for it  i no it may sound silly to some  
    • Posted

      Have you declared it to your insurer? Are you flying? Is your arm in plaster? You may need a letter from the doctor to say that any plaster hadn't been applied in the last 48 hours (to be allowed onto the plane)

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      Yes all declared  its fine asell i checked with airline
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    All the airlines seem to have different policies. Only last week I read of someone who had had plaster applied on the last day of their holiday and the airline refused them at the boarding gate.
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    Linnyjd, it kinda sounds like you may have some nerve damage probly from where the bone is displaced. How long were you planning on posponing it for ? I think I would try to reschedule my plans and get my wrist fixed. I have been going through things with my left arm since June 30 and I just want mine fixed where I can be normal again. Keep us updated and let us know how it goes.
    • Posted

      Linnyjd, I just wanted to add by not fixing this outright you may run into more problems the longer you put it off, I just hope you are prepared for that if it may happen. The Doctor wants to do it to make it easier on them yes, but also it would be easier on you trust me on that one.
  • Posted

    I broke my wrist in benidorm and sober aswell, on return i went back to a n e  he said i had dislocated my hand aswell and needed an op, i asked for another xray they did this and it turned our it wasnt it was the plaster cast so it was removed the second time, this time cast was still on im sure i would be in pain but im not  i had a new back slab put on yesterday but it was loose so i went back and they said i had to wait but on phone they said ask for this person and u will be seen right away no i wasnt so i came home and i have bandaged it over cast now and it feels so much better and still pain free, they also said the xray there was mine from my chest no it wasnt because i didnt have a chest xray so god knows whos that was, it did have my name on it though but i no if i had chest xrayed, im wondering if it was my wrist now im waiting on appointment now for monday iv never been messed around so much and to be fair i have never had any problems at sandwell till now 

  • Posted

    I broke my distal radius in May. Still having problems but know if I hadn't had surgery it would have been a lot worse. I really didn't want surgery but after 19!days it had displaced and because they kept saying I was "young" recovery and movement would be better. I'm not sure I wouldn't have the surgery and due to the pains etc I definitely wouldn't have been able or want to go on holiday. Not being able to go in the pool or sea and not being able to wash hair etc whilst away would not be for me. Could you not have got a letter and claimed off insurance and rebooked when you could enjoy it more? I really hope your fracture heals in a good position so you can manage. Backslab a normally only stay in for up to 2 weeks then fibre glass cast is placed. Good luck and happy holiday.

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      Trouble is im not in any pain or discomfort, im thinking have they got thr right xray to be honest after saying they had a chest xray i said well its not mine because u aint done one  plus saying they thaught id dislocated at first an needed an op turned out it was the cast  so i dunno like i say if i was in pain it would be diffrent but im not 
    • Posted

      3.5 weeks ago I had a fall on my hand/wrist. I didn't think I had broken anything but went to the hospital. Was told that i might have a scaphoid fracture. I was in plaster for 4 days and then in a wrist brace. I only went back today and was expecting to be told that I hadn't had a fracture. I can move the hand/wrist/fingers really easily. Just slight tenderness at the base of the thumb. In fact I now know that I did have a small fracture (radial styloid) which wasn't visible in the first X rays. It has now healed well and I have been discharged. In your position I would take the medical advice. do the doctors know about your booked trip? 

    • Posted

      Yes they no about it  but i have no pain in my arm now

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