Broken wrist complications

Posted , 1 user is following.

I broke my wrist badly 5 months ago requiring a plate & pins inserted.

I am continuing with all my physio appointments etc & coming along slowly.

However, bending my wrist backwards or forwards is a real struggle & painful. I appreciate its early days considering how bad the break was. My consultant told me its very rare they remove a plate from the wrist once its there & only in exceptional circumstances i.e. pain or no significant movement.

I dnt know what to do for the I have the plate removed or persevere indefinately?

Has anybody experienced similar & had their plate removed? If so, what was the outcome & recovery for use of their wrist after removal?

I would really appreciate any advice.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh boy.  Sorry to hear of your injury.  What does your physio suggest?  I have a very good friend who fell from a deck (8 ft fall).  He put his hands out to break the face first fall.  He banged up his face and broke both wrists.  One wrist has 11 screws and a plate.  The other wrist healed with typical casting.  It has taken him roughly a year or so to recover.  He is not removing the plate and screws.  He is bowling again.  He flies his airplane and glider using the manual controls without any difficulty, rides his bike, works his job without any issues.  You are not even half way through the recovery.  Keep your chin up and hang in there!  Good luck.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying. It gives me hope that I to will make a full recovery from this debilitating injury.

      When you are in such pain & discomfort it does make you feel so despondent.

      I guess I need to be more hard to do tbh!!

      Do you know what medication/exercise regime your friend was on to get him through his traumatic certainly was more severe than my injury even though I to, had a plate & pins put in place.

      Some 'good' FS treatment is going to be done in 4 weeks so hopefully that will help me do my physio easier.

      Thank you once again.

    • Posted

      You will make it.  Ask your doctor and other medical staff questions (clarity), look up your injury and surgery online.  My friend talks a lot of "breaking up the scar tissue."  Breaking up scar tissue was painful for him.  He did typical routine PT exercises for this type of injury.  He also iced and elevated a lot throughout the day to help keep the swelling down.  Pillows propped up the hands and forearms in bed.  Good luck and post an update when you can.

    • Posted

      I certainly will. I do ask a lot of questions & I also come from my appointments forgetting to ask certain things.

      I too have had my scar tissue picked away at. It is uncomfortable. They use acupuncture needles & prod away. Biting my lip thinking about it....

      I do wonder would I be more ahead if I did not have FS!! Good news on that.... my appointment for hydrodolitation is on May 15th at 9am then physio almost immediately at 9.30am...little apprehensive but it has to be done.

      Do you know what meds your friend was taking btw? Im on Gabapentin & Co-dydramol....feel spaced out at times & my patience is not the best...hope that all improves once I stop these.

      Il keep you updated....

    • Posted

      Thanks for the info....not heard of them but will stay on my meds for as long as.

      Pain can be intolerable.....time & patience is a must.

      Kind regards.

    • Posted

      They are opioids. Slow and steady wins the race! Keep your chin up. Post again when you have time.

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