Bronchitis.....Increased Anxiety
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Hello my lovely virtual sisters....I have another non-menopause issue that I wanted to run by you....I saw my doctor on Tuesday because the cold I had was getting worse (seemed to be settling in my chest)...he examined me, ruled out pneumonia, and diagnosed vital signs were all very normal and no fever...all good news, right? I've had bronchitis before and have no reason to be anxious about it....but here I am, in full-blown health anxiety state....I had made such good progress and am so frustrated that I'm back to thinking that this illness must be something more sinister...I've even googled my symptoms which I haven't done in a long time....I just feel so tired and "off"...does anyone else find that their anxiety comes back or gets worse when they're sick? I'm sure I'm just exhausted, but I can't get myself settled down enough to sleep....ugh. sad
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mel64317 wearykitty
think it's part of the sort of "brain freeze " you get with it buddies and I try to make a joke of minimises it somehow and allows it not to be in charge of you....when we forget a word/ phrase/ or what the hell we were talking about ?? We site " meno-speak" or "meno-brain" and when upset and stressed look first at how we feel and figure.....hey...let's look at this again tomorrow ?!
my advice...keep your friends around you and keep talking ! Try to laugh at this ridiculous phase of our lives.....and know it DOES eventually get better......but seek help if it's overwhelming you ! With medical advances.....We DO NOT need or deserve to feel like this any more....
Best wishes hun..
caroleUJ62 mel64317
I am so glad that someone else has mentioned this 'brain freeze' thing.
I do keep forgetting stuff which easily came to mind before.
My trouble is that the enormous levels of anxiety I get about it make it even worse, so I forget more, and in the end I just think I may as well give up and check myself in some of home for the mentally feeble.
I'm 53 next week, and am in the perimenopause big time, and for the last few months have thought I've had one serious illness after another.
It all started when my doctor sent me for a colonoscopy and endoscopy because I was very anaemic. The tests from this came back fine. Unfortunately, due to my own mistakes in the past I dont have any real friends where I live.
I really need to join some social groups, but have no self confidence.
mel64317 caroleUJ62
jennifer85396 wearykitty
helen95781 wearykitty
I can fully relate to what you are going through. I have a nasty chesty cough at the moment and have been under the weather for a couple of weeks now.
The other day my head hurt and because I am hypertensive I took my blood pressure. BIG mistake. It was up because of the virus but I got anxious and the more anxious I got the higher the blood pressure went. I then had a panic attack and spent the next two days taking diazepam to calm me down. The first night it happened I had palpatations all through the night.
Today is day three since it happened and im a lot calmer but cannot quite shake off all the anxiety. I check my pulse and blood pressure. I don't know if you get this but feel light headed too and congested in my head and ears. Logically I know it's just the virus but am finding it hard to stop worrying.
It's not as if I am consciously worrying, it's just "there".
Take some time to relax and have you time.
Hope you feel better soon
wearykitty helen95781
helen95781 wearykitty
Take comfort in the fact you are not on your own. I know I do.
Big hugs.
bev14365 wearykitty
nancy0925 wearykitty
I'm thinking this is pretty normal for you too feel even more anxious even when you get something normal like a cold. I never feared my health until I hit my 40's. Had major surgery after having a rupture colon due to diverticulitis and had to have another surgery years later. That was ok actually but then I started having perimenopause symptoms which made me think I had heart problems but of suddenly feeling like I couldn't breathe right and would get light headed. Then I would feel like my sugar was taking a plunge but my periods were normal except heavy bleeding. But now that I'm 52 and my symptoms started getting worse in 2014 it started making me feel even more worried about any little ache, pain or anthing that felt abnormal. I was convinced I was an unhealthy person. But I started doing research on perimenopause, taking supplements and realizing that I'm not unhealthy, I'm simply going through a very natural change that unfortunatley can have some terrible side effects. I take a lot of vitamin supplements now and I have to say I feel more in control of my body. I push through the anxiety. I know its easier said than done but mind over matter really does help. Of course you do not want to neglect getting checked out if you really feel something is wrong. I still have bad days as I'm nearing menopause but I'm finding it easier to get through it. Take care of yourself will be okay. We are all going through it and you know what? We will all survive! XOXOXOX