Bronchospasm during anesthesia, bronchospasm general

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I am in the COPD forum.  I cannot gather any info about anyone having a bronchospasm during surgery or even about bronchospasm.  I am truly hoping that someone can comment on anything they know or have experienced with this problem.   I was told after minor day surgery that I had a bronchospasm and that my oxygen went down to 85.   They got the numbers back up and just told me to do deep breathing and not lie around.   I did that.   Now my pft numbers are WAY down and my oxygen is also a few points down, still after 5 days.  Does this heal?  I am very concerned.

Thank you for any information at all.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Most of the doctors advise to take medication before any surgery. There are effective medicines to reduce spasm. But does not last long due to allergic food intake. Find out which food causes allergy/triggers ashtma. Avoid it and see.


  • Posted

    Happened to me and yes it does improve. Can take time though and worrying will make it worse. Continue to deep breathe and be as mobile as you can. A temporary change to your medication may help so speak to your GP about your concerns
    • Posted

      Thank you,Tazchurch.  Did your pft numbers go way down and then come back up later?
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      Tazchurch, did you feel lightheaded or headache after bronchospasm?  Sore airways?

      Thank you!

    • Posted

      Did you have a general anaesthetic as it can be a response to the irritating stimulus of the breathing tube? It can also be a reaction to some of the drugs used. Whatever it must be mentioned before any future surgery.
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      Thank you for letting me know.
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      Yes it was general anesthesia, they gave me drugs beforehand.  No allergies.  I think an error.  Thanks. 
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      Tazchurch, one more question:

      Did they treatcy

  • Posted

    Oops sorry

    Did they treat you afterwards to help pfts go up? Like steroids?

    • Posted

      They left it to see, it did go back up by itself but took three weeks however I am younger than you, 49, so best speak GP to see if want to do so now in your case as varies from person to person. Would have put me on medication if not gone up by itself in one month.
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      Thanks so much.  I am going to check it out with the doctor.
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      Thank you!

      As it turns out I exercised too much too soon recently and did not help matters.  Going to take a while.

    • Posted

      At least know that so can plan accordingly and is less worrying for you

      Take care of yourself

      Taz xxx

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