brown discharge during period and brown periods

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Hi all,

Please help me, past 2 months I have this brown bleeding problem. I will clearly tell the situation here- I had my regular period on July 10th and then after 20days that is around july 31st I had a complete brown period (no red blood only brown discharge for 5days) and then again after 3weeks I had another period that is around august 25th and the period was both brown and red (more of brown). Now again I got another period in 3 weeks and even this period is both brown and red ( more of brown again). Recently I had my cervical screening test done ( Smear Test) and the report said slightly abnormal and need to repeat the test in the next few months. Please somebody help me what to do? Is this something I need to worry about?? is it a major problem ? Please give me advice on what to do next?

Your advice helps me a lot.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Meghana,

    You really need to go to your gp and have a chat with him/her. Make a note of what you have said here so you don't forget anything when you are in the surgery.

    The chances are very high that you will be fine, we all have times when we have odd things happening to us ladies.

    My sister-in-law many years ago had very similar symptoms after an abnormal smear.She had a few more tests and some pills and it all settled down never to happen again.

    Brown blood is old blood that has sat around since your period. When the blood is red that means it is very new stuff.

    Go to the doc and get yourself checked over. It is always best to get whatever is worrying you dealt with and then you can move on. If you are worried about the doctor you can ask to see the nurse, if your practice has one. She will then pass you on to the doctor or sometimes if she is a nurse practitioner deal with it herself.

    You may need some treatment or medication but the sooner this starts the better. They see this kind of problem all the time.

    Good luck and pick up that phone and make an appointment. Let me know how you get on. Fanny Jane.

  • Posted

    Hi Meghana , as the last reply stated go to your doctor , you need to have a swab taken to see if you have an infection , but you need to have athorough discussion with your doctor , or go to your local family planning or well woman clinic , there will be a qualified gynae staff there who can help you , best wishes for a speedy solution


  • Posted

    Helen and Jane, thanks a lot. I will go see a doctor , I booked an appointment for early next week. Will keepyou posted.

    Thanks again.

  • Posted

    Hi Meghana, you may be going through the menopause, or showing symptoms of it, about 18 months ago, I was showing the same symptoms as you I went to the dr and he felt I could be going through early menopause as I had only just turned 40 ! But about two months later my periods returned as normal,and have been ever since, when we have the brown discharge apparently it's our bodies natural way of "having a clean out" as my dr described it as, so it could be something as simple as that! Please let us know how you get on this wk at the Drs. Take care, Annie xx
  • Posted

    Hi annie,

    I am just 28 yrs old ... so I dont think its a menopause. I had taken some tests for thyroid ... the results were normal. So thank got its not thyroid. Its just that my vitamin D levels were low and Doctor suggested me to take vitamin D daily and that might be the reason all for the imbalance is what she felt. But she also suggested me to take an ultra sound of the womb. I have that after 10days. So I will have to see how it goes. Thanks a lot for the reply annie. As per what you said - having a clean out is also what doctor had said. Just the old blood and she also said it may stress which is causing this. For now she asked me to keep an eye. anyways after ultra sound we may know something. smile

    Thanks again!

  • Posted

    Hi Meghana,

    You are very welcome to me replying to your concerns! Glad the dr is sending you for a ultra sound, I had one aswell and a internal vagina probe scan, that wasn't too bad! They couldnt find anything wrong, thank god! yes if you are stressed that can have such an impact on your body! Please let us know how you get on with the scan. All the very best wishes, take care, Annie x

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Just to update you all... I had my ultra sound done and they detected a small cyst around 2cm. So may be that was the reason brown bleeding. I should keep an eye and get an another ultra sound after another 2-3months to follow up. and also my vitamin D levels were low and so im taking supplements.

    This month's period is back to normal, it came after 29days so i think that should be fine. and the bleeding is also red for now. But i should keep an eye to be on safer side.

    This is the update from me.

    Thanks everyone for the support.

  • Posted

    Hi Meghana, Thanks for letting us know your latest news.

    It's really good to hear your gp is on the ball and you have had a scan and got an answer at last.

    I'm sure you'll be fine now you are having medical care. The vitamin D will help a lot as well.

    Many good wishes to you, Take care, Fanny Jane.

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